OSx Update

New Contributor II


I am having trouble getting JAMF to run an update on machines. I am able to get it to download the installer, but then not install it. Here is what i did:

  1. I went to apple to download the combo installer. https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1931?locale=en_US
  2. I went to casper composer and i turned this .dmg file into a pkg.
  3. I went to my JAMF console and created a package (only option i checked was - requires restart)
  4. Next, I went to create a policy. I made the trigger as a "reoccurring check-in" and changed the execution frequency set to "once per computer".
  5. Under Scope I chose a specific computer i'm testing with. (i do realize i can make a smart group when i'm ready to do this in bulk)
  6. filled in some dummy messages under "user interactions"
  7. I went to packages and then i chose "cloud distribution point" and then i found the package i created in step 3.

I then waited patiently for the machine to pick up the policy on check-in and then it downloads the package and then it displays the completed message, but it never actually installs the update. Please help!


Valued Contributor II

Hi Ryan,

After downloading the update, double-click to mount the DMG. Inside is a .pkg, which you can add directly to jamfPro.
No need to use composer.