Posted on 08-31-2011 06:29 AM
This is not specifically Casper related, however...
We are in midst of configuring Lightspeed Content filtering w/ AD, and our
Macs are not picking up the groups.
They have been bound w/ Casper using mac built-in ad plugin.
Interestingly, we can take an unbound 10.6.7 computer, and if we bind w/
Directory Utility or Casper, the LightSpeed breaks,
But if we bind with System Preferences (still doing an authenticated bind)
the LightSpeed groups work.
Has anyone run into anything like this that may have enlightenment for me?
Posted on 08-31-2011 12:23 AM
We determined that the Casper bind was not properly creating the following
/Library/Preferences/Directory Service/
Good news is that grabbing those same files from another after manually
binding and then putting them out in a policy fixes our issue after log out,
log back in.
Posted on 08-31-2011 07:13 AM
I am having the same issue with binding with my iMacs with OD. If i use casper or a script it breaks, but if I use system preferences it works fine