Contributor III
Contributor III

Joined: December 2011

User Statistics

  • 258 Posts
  • 10 Solutions
  • 8 Kudos given
  • 13 Kudos received

User Activity

Die Jamf Nation Roadshow kommt diesen Juni zurück nach München! Wir suchen nach Mitgliedern der Apple Admin Community, die Interesse daran haben, während der Slots am Nachmittag zu präsentieren. 
Wenn Sie z. B. etwas Cooles entwickelt haben, dass Sie...
We had a situation at work where we needed to lock down a few laptops over the summer break. The problem with jamfHelper and OS 10.7 and 10.8 is that you can CMD+Q and it will quit. That is okay if you just want to be annoying, but I want to lock dow...
I have shell access but for some odd reason I can't get back to the web admin page. Does anyone know how to reset the admin username and password via the command line? I have been googling and also searching the source, but I just can't find where. T...
iOS 6.1 banned from corporate servers due to Exchange snafu
Moving my JSS Mac to Linux (xserve is on its last leg) and wanted to know what you guys thought. (No iOS devices at the moment slight change over so just macs, hence why perfect time) - Change out the URLS? - Quickadd Pacakge and deploy to all machin...
Canadian expat living in Amsterdam and working @Jamf EMEIA.