PAC File Bypass?



My org is trying to work around an issue we are having with our filter config. We are currently pushing a PAC file to the MacBook Pros so that they are filtered when off campus. The problem is, at least the way I see it is that the traffic is going out on to the internet and going back through the filter. Is there a way to setup the PAC file so that while they are on campus it goes directly to the filter and not on to the Internet and back through the filter? The problem we are seeing is reduced speeds. Machines that do not have the PAC file that do not leave campus (Mac Minis, iMacs) are getting 300+ Mbps and the MacBook Pros are seeing 80+Mbps. iPads using the same PAC file are not having the same issue either.


Valued Contributor

Just as an aside, any chance the desktop machines are on wired ethernet and the laptops on wireless?


Nope, everything is wireless that we are testing. The only difference is that the staff laptops have the PAC file applied.