Package Replication

Not applicable

Do many of you have the new automatic scheduling of package replication work yet in 6 ?

We have over 50 distribution points so this would be a handy thing to have. Can't say that
I have really seen it work correctly yet.

There is also a feature where you can click a button to have it correct the permissions on any distribution point.
It propagates those permissions down throughout the share point. When I tried this it seemed to mess up the permissions on
the share point. In fact later on after fixing those something seemed to mess these permissions up again. Very odd. I haven't
seen anything like that until we move to 6.01 from 5.x

Also when I do a manual sync the old way using Casper Admin it seems to be very slow.


Not applicable

Another issue with the scheduled package replication. I can't seem to On 22-Sep-08, at 6:10 PM, Roger Corbin wrote:
find any logs about what
transpired. Did it sync anything ? Was it successful ? Were there problems ?
There doesn't seem to be any logs about it. There doesn't even seem to be any generic rsync
logs that I can find.