Posted on 09-24-2008 02:15 PM
Anyone else able to get it working?
I just get blank screens (from each mini-app) after putting in the credentials...
Posted on 09-24-2008 02:17 PM
Mine works. My server's not available off-site yet, but I'm connecting fine on the local network.
Posted on 09-24-2008 02:34 PM
Our server is not available outside our firewall. While connected to our
intranet, I am able to use the Search feature. I wasn't able to get any of
the functions below the dividing line to work until a few minutes ago.
I am not sure what happened, but now all functions are working. It takes a
few seconds for the information to be generated and displayed. They all
have the same look as using Safari.
Posted on 09-24-2008 02:47 PM
It's working well for me from home over VPN. Very impressive, in particular the detailed info screen. That will be invaluable.
James Partridge
Sent from my iPod
Posted on 09-24-2008 07:43 PM
Works great for me at home! I like it. =)