Packaging apps from the AppStore.

Valued Contributor II

Has anybody tried bundling anything off the app store recently using Composer 9.x? The last couple I've tried captures the push succeeds but when they launch it acts like it's going to launch but the main screen doesn't come up.


Esteemed Contributor III


Valued Contributor II

okay, that would have been far simpler, however, it's not on there according to my list.

Gonna hafta learn me how to make my own recipes.

Legendary Contributor III

Erm @donmontalvo, care to explain how you'd use autopkg to download and repackage Mac App Store apps? Its a cool tool, no doubt (just started playing with it recently) but I see no recipes for any Mac App Store apps out there.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

How are you capturing the app in Composer? A drag and drop, or are you using a file system watch? I've gone away from using Composer, unless I need to watch for file changes, and I use Packages now. Much more flexibility, in my opinion, when creating packages that need to simply drop a file in place.

My process for MAS apps is:

- download app from MAS
- delete the _MASReceipt folder from the app bundle
- package with Packages
- deploy

I've had almost no problems using this method of delivery.

Esteemed Contributor III

@mm2270 I don't know that it could, just pointing to a new tool that's getting a lot of good press, since I hate Composer so much. :)
