Posted on
01:02 PM
- last edited
a week ago
Anyone ever tried packaging Maya as part of Autodesk's Entertainment Creation Suite? Judging by the lack of posts, i'm guessing people may have given up in disgust.
Thanks to some pretty intense googling today, i've come up with this. Full credits given in the readme.
This saved my bacon today. Hopefully it'll help save someone else's!
Posted on 04-08-2014 06:25 PM
Yes. we are using this method since last November.
We use echo to create file with contents.
Posted on 05-27-2014 06:50 AM
Works great for Maya/Mudbox 2014, thanks a million for posting it. Are you working on an updated script for Maya/Mudbox 2015? A lot of things have moved around or even disappeared. I'm taking a crack at it this morning but I am getting a registration error. I think something is wrong with the parameters of these commands:
# Install the Maya 2015 serial number.
adlmreg -i N 657F1 793G1 2015.0.0.F $MAYA-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2015/MayaConfig.pit
# Install the Mudbox 2015 serial number
adlmreg -i N 498F1 793G1 2015.0.0.F $MUDBOX-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2015/MudboxConfig.pit
...because the script errors out right near the end with:
Registration failed with code: 13
Registration failed with code: 13
Posted on 05-27-2014 08:33 AM
Okay, I've got the Maya licensing command corrected:
# Install the Maya 2015 serial number. This command works.
adlmreg -i N 657G1 793G1 2015.0.0.F $MAYA-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2015/MayaConfig.pit
...still working on Mudbox.
Posted on 05-27-2014 08:45 AM
Got it. Found the answer at:
# Install the Mudbox 2015 serial number. This command works.
adlmreg -i N 498G1 793G1 2015.0.0.F $MUDBOX-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2015/MudboxConfig.pit
Here is the entire script for 2015. You may need to change a few things.
# Postflight script to install Maya and Mudbox 2015 and point it to a licence server
# Author :
# Version : 1.0 - 8-4-2015 - Initial Version
# Hacked up for 2015, first pass. endor-moon on Jamf Nation.
# This assumes all the installers supplied by Autodesk have been installed to the root directory
# Set up variables here
# Install the adlmgr package
installer -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya -target /
# That should be it for Maya, let's install Mudbox 2015.
installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Mudbox -target /
# Now install mentalray satellite and the Suite Exclusives. (I commented these out because I don't have them at the moment)
#installer -verboseR -pkg /Install mentalraysatellite -target /
#installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Suite Exclusives -target /
# Create the Maya2015.lic and Mudbox2015.lic files in /private/var/flexlm
# These point to the licence server address.
mkdir /private/var/flexlm
touch /private/var/flexlm/Maya2015.lic
touch /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2015.lic
echo "SERVER $SERVERADDRESS 0" > /private/var/flexlm/Maya2015.lic
echo "USE_SERVER" >> /private/var/flexlm/Maya2015.lic
echo "SERVER $SERVERADDRESS 0" > /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2015.lic
echo "USE_SERVER" >> /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2015.lic
chmod 744 /private/var/flexlm/Maya2015.lic
chmod 744 /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2015.lic
# Create the License.env file in /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/
touch /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/License.env
echo "MAYA_LICENSE=unlimited" > /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/License.env
echo "MAYA_LICENSE_METHOD=network" >> /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/License.env
chmod 744 /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/License.env
# Generate Mudbox licence file in /Applications/Autodesk/Mudbox2015/
touch /Applications/Autodesk/Mudbox2015/License.env
echo "MUDBOX_LICENSE=unlimited" > /Applications/Autodesk/Mudbox2015/License.env
echo "MUDBOX_LICENSE_METHOD=network" >> /Applications/Autodesk/Mudbox2015/License.env
# Install the Maya 2015 serial number. This command works.
adlmreg -i N 657G1 793G1 2015.0.0.F $MAYA-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2015/MayaConfig.pit
# Install the Mudbox 2015 serial number. This command works.
adlmreg -i N 498G1 793G1 2015.0.0.F $MUDBOX-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2015/MudboxConfig.pit
# Disable intro screens
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.autodesk.MC3Framework MC3Enabled -int 0
# Clean up on aisle three!
rm -rf /Install Maya
rm -rf /Install Mudbox
rm -rf /Install mentalraysatellite
rm -rf /Install Suite Exclusives
Posted on 05-27-2014 03:21 PM
I'm on annual leave right now so I'll check it out when I'm back next week.
Posted on 10-24-2014 10:46 AM
FYI, the script is broken in Yosemite but I haven't had any luck yet trying to fix it. Works great with Maya 2015 and Mudbox in Mavericks.
Posted on 10-24-2014 10:48 AM
I'm not surprised actually. The product codes in that script are hard coded for the 2014 version. Replace those, and it should work ok but i've no access to that version to test anymore. What sort of errors is it throwing?
Posted on 10-24-2014 01:29 PM
The error is 'RegisterPkg Error. An unexpected error has occurred during the execution of the main script
ZipImportError: can't find module 'uninstallerSQLDB'
See the Console for a detailed traceback.'
Since I'm getting the same error in the GUI I would surmise that Maya 2015 is not yet compatible with OS X 10.10 and this does not constitute an error in your script but in the underlying installer code.
Posted on 10-24-2014 02:12 PM
Sounds like an excellent assumption to me too, without having seen it.
Posted on 10-31-2014 06:35 AM
Checking with Autodesk I find the Maya 2015 SP5 is compatible with Yosemite now, at least when installing through the GUI.
Posted on 11-20-2014 04:41 AM
Many thanks endor-moon. The script you provided above for the Autodesk Maya/Mudbox 2015 installation works like a charm.
I created a pkg. using CASPER Composer, which places the Maya and Mudbox installer on the root of Macintosh HD. After adding the pkg. and script to the JSS, I now push both out via CASPER Remote.
Many thanks
Posted on 02-18-2015 05:14 PM
Thought i'd share my workflow for this one.
Compose "Install Maya" into a .dmg - I usually stash these kinds of things in /Library/Management/
Short little script which goes something like;
if [ -a $installerLocation ]; then
$installerLocation/Contents/MacOS/setup --noui --serial_number=$serial --product_key=$product_key --license_type=kNetwork --server_name=$server
/usr/bin/logger "[STOP] Maya installer not found in staging area"
A policy copies the .dmg to /Library/Management/Install Maya The script installs and licenses silently. Done.
After patching the adlmreg tool because of incorrect .dylib references in 2014, this new setup method is a dream.
Hope this helps.
Posted on 07-17-2015 04:59 AM
Has anyone updated the script for Maya 2016 yet? Autodesk is giving away Maya to education accounts now, so we are transitioning from paid Maya to freebie Maya. Hopefully we aren't losing anything with this transition.
Posted on 07-17-2015 07:18 AM
I have a version that is working for 2016 but would like to compare it with other solutions out there. Not sure of the best way to post it here.
Posted on 08-04-2015 09:56 AM
Ok, for the record, I've got two methods for handling Maya 2016, or rather one method with two variants.
I'm using The Luggage to create an installer that dumps "Install Maya" into /private/tmp, then run a postinstall that actually installs Maya. Here's my makefile:
include /usr/local/share/luggage/luggage.make
PACKAGE_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo ${PACKAGE_VERSION} | awk -F '.' '{print $$1}'`
PACKAGE_MINOR_VERSION=`echo ${PACKAGE_VERSION} | awk -F '.' '{print $$2$$3}'`
l_private_tmp: l_private
@sudo mkdir -p ${WORK_D}/private/tmp
@sudo chown root:wheel ${WORK_D}/private/tmp
@sudo chmod 755 ${WORK_D}/private/tmp
pack-Maya2016: l_private_tmp
@sudo ${DITTO} Install Maya ${WORK_D}/private/tmp/Install Maya
@sudo chown -R root:wheel ${WORK_D}/private/tmp/Install Maya
@sudo chmod 755 ${WORK_D}/private/tmp/Install Maya
Now, here's where the variants come in. Variant 1 is a version of the script above, updated for 2016 (I removed the mudbox stuff):
# Postflight script to install Maya 2016 and point it to a licence server
# Author :
# Version : 1.0 - 8-4-2015 - Initial Version
# Edited by C. George for use with 2016
# This assumes all the installers supplied by Autodesk have been installed to the root directory
# Set up variables here
# Install the adlmgr packages
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
# Install Maya 2016
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
# Install DirectConnect
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
installer -verboseR -pkg /private/tmp/Install Maya -target /
# Create the Maya2016.lic and Mudbox2016.lic files in /private/var/flexlm
# These point to the licence server address.
mkdir /private/var/flexlm
touch /private/var/flexlm/Maya2016.lic
echo "SERVER $SERVERADDRESS 0" > /private/var/flexlm/Maya2016.lic
echo "USE_SERVER" >> /private/var/flexlm/Maya2016.lic
chmod 744 /private/var/flexlm/Maya2016.lic
# Create the License.env file in /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/
touch /Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/License.env
echo "MAYA_LICENSE=unlimited" > /Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/License.env
echo "MAYA_LICENSE_METHOD=network" >> /Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/License.env
chmod 744 /Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/License.env
# Install the Maya 2015 serial number. This command works.
/private/tmp/Install Maya -i N 657H1 793H1 2016.0.0.F $MAYA-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2016/MayaConfig.pit
# Disable intro screens
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.autodesk.MC3Framework MC3Enabled -int 0
# Clean up on aisle three!
rm -rf /private/tmp/Install Maya
So, that's one postinstall. Variant 2, using a simpler postinstall, is:
# Postflight script to install Maya 2016 and point it to a licence server
/private/tmp/Install Maya --noui --log=/tmp/Maya_2016.log --force --serial_number=123-45678901 --product_key=793H1 --license_type=kNetwork
They both seem to work. Option 2 does show an icon in the dock when installing, if you install when a user is logged in, but there isn't otherwise any form of UI. Option 1 is completely silent. That said, option 2 is a lot easier to maintain - you're just calling the Autodesk installer, and you don't have to worry about which packages to install.
Posted on 08-24-2015 12:00 PM
Just noticed the 2016 stuff. Well done!
I'm no longer at that organisation. You may wish to remove my former and now defunct email address from the script ;)
Posted on 10-02-2015 06:35 AM
Not sure if this is any help to anyone, but I have a script to install both Maya and Mudbox 2016
I used the following for reference: -
# Script to install Maya and Mudbox 2016 and point it to a licence server
# This assumes that the installers have been placed under /
# Make sure you change XXX-XXXXXXXX, Product Key and YOUR-LICSERVER-HERE accordingly.
#Install Maya 2016
/Install Maya --noui --log=/tmp/Maya_2016.log --force --serial_number=XXX-XXXXXXXX --product_key=793H1 --license_type=kNetwork --server_name=YOUR-LICSERVER-HERE
#Now install Mudbox 2016
/Install Mudbox --noui --log=/var/log/mudbox2016install.log --force --serial_number=XXX-XXXXXXXX --product_key=793H1 --license_type=Network --server_name=YOUR-LICSERVER-HERE
#Use adlmreg to register it correctly
#Make sure you change XXX-XXXXXXXX and Product Key (793H1)accordingly
adlmreg -i N 498H1 793H1 2016.0.0.F XXX-XXXXXXXX /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2016/MudboxConfig.pit
#Create a mudbox.lic file and store in /private/var/flexlm/
#Make sure you change YOUR-LICSERVER-HERE accordingly, leaving the 0 in place
echo 'SERVER YOUR-LICSERVER-HERE 0' >/private/var/flexlm/mudbox2016.lic
echo 'USE_SERVER' >>/private/var/flexlm/mudbox2016.lic
#Set permissions for mudbox.lic
chmod 744 /private/var/flexlm/Maya2016.lic
chmod 744 /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2016.lic
#Remove installers from /
rm -rf /Install Maya
rm -rf /Install Mudbox
#And you are done!
Posted on 02-09-2016 02:52 AM
@lakem thanks for that, that was super useful! Worked first try :)
Does anyone know if there's something similar for AutoCAD 2015 for Mac?
Posted on 04-07-2016 11:25 AM
FYI, I have my script working to install Maya 2016 along with the Mental Ray plug-in. By the way, thanks for posting the Mudbox info, @lakem. I mangled the serial number below on purpose; just plug in your own. I noticed SP6 came out just the other day.
if [ -f /Library/Installers/Install Maya ] ;
say "Installing My ah"
# Install Maya 2016 with our serial number and server information
/Library/Installers/Install Maya --noui --log=/Library/AdminToolBox/Maya_2016.log --force --serial_number=000-4269xxxx --product_key=793H1 --license_type=kNetwork --server_name=myserver.lan
# Call OS X installer to install Mental Ray plugin for Maya 2016
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg /Library/Installers/Install mental ray For Maya -target /
exit 0
Posted on 06-15-2016 10:08 AM
Has anyone ever dealt with Mudbox 2016 crashing at launch after install with the following error:
WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.4 instead of 10.11.4. This is not a bug in Gestalt -- it is a documented limitation. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
I used @lakem 's install script and added Mental Ray as well. Both Maya 2016 and the Mental Ray plugin work perfect but Mudbox just continues to crash at launch with the above mentioned error even after a system reboot.
Target Machine:
Mac Pro (Early 2009)
OS X 10.11.4
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512MB
16GB 1066 MHz DDR3 ECC
Update: Running the same installer with the GUI allows Mudbox 2016 to launch as expected. I'm using the ECS product key and serial in the GUI and in the script. Not sure what is different here.
Update - The Sequel: Okay it seems as though it was a licensing issue. I noticed after running the GUI it was registering as a different suite. Taking a closer look I found that the script I copied had a slight fudge on the Mudbox parameter for license type (should be kNetwork not Network) minor thing though. Also, I saw
adlmreg -i N 498H1 793H1
and realized the first product key was set to the standalone version of Mudbox instead of ECS (my bad for overlooking). Either way script is working now and applications launch. World saved.
Posted on 07-14-2016 02:14 AM
Hi All
Does anyone have a script that will work with Maya 2016 ext 2, Mudbox 2016 and Mentalray?
I have been looking at the ones about and can almost grasp it but I am needing to deploy the software to 50 plus mac and because we are a college we have the standalone serial number and product code. obviously the license server stuff would come out of the above scripts but not sure how I would registar the product correctly.
I can get it to install ok but when launching may is asks for the serial number to registar.
I guess this type of line has to be used for both Maya and Mudbox but I am unsure what details to give at the start. How do I know what ones to put in 'N 498H1 793H1 2016.0.0.F XXX-XXXXXXXX'
adlmreg -i N 498H1 793H1 2016.0.0.F XXX-XXXXXXXX /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2016/MudboxConfig.pit
Any help would be most welcome as I am tearing my hair out here, not that I have much in the first place.
Posted on 07-14-2016 10:24 AM
Check Autodesk's website for the correct keys. The keys from @lakem script that you mentioned are referencing the mud box standalone and the ECS 2016 product codes. If you are using the standalone license for Maya 2016 you may need to use the 657H1 code which is for Maya. Also, double check the keys you are using in the install parameters.
Posted on 07-15-2016 07:16 AM
Thanks for the relpy Richard. Greatly appreciated.
Slowly getting there but still not working properly. Mudbox just appears in the dock for a few secs then vanishes.
Both saying registration successful. But Maya is still asking for a serial number.
Does the part mater '2016.0.0.F' and if so how of i find out what the correct one should be as the output to the pit file is slight different 2016.5 so make me think that for the ext 2 version that first number might be slightly different
Posted on 07-15-2016 12:38 PM
Thanks for the helpful jumping off point for deploying Maya, gents.
Quick question - so I see that there are a bunch of updates for Maya. If I download the standard Maya 2016 installer, do I also have to download and install the ext 2 version? I just installed both and it seems like they're being treated as two different applications ...
Posted on 07-17-2016 11:25 PM
No, the ext 2 is the latest version and comes at a complete program so you only need download it.
Posted on 07-18-2016 01:14 AM
Alas I am calling it quits on trying to get this to work. Been at this days now with no luck. 50 plus manual installs here i come :(
This was as far as i got before the dummy hit the floor 20 yards away
If anyone has any ideas as to the issue thenwould love to hear them.
# Script to install Maya 2016 ext 2 and Mudbox 2016 and Mental Ray
# Install Mudbox 2016
/Install Mudbox --noui --log=/var/log/mudbox2016install.log --force --serial_number=XXX-XXXXXXX --product_key=498H1 --license_type=kStandalone
#Install Maya 2016
/Install Maya 2016 Extension --noui --log=/tmp/Maya_2016.log --force --serial_number=XXX-XXXXXXX --product_key=793H1 --license_type=kStandalone
#Install Mental Ray 2016
/Install mental ray For Maya 2016 Extension --noui --log=/tmp/MentalRay.log
#Register the Products
/Install Mudbox -i S 498H1 793H1 2016.0.0.F XXX-XXXXXXXX /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2016/MudboxConfig.pit
/Install Maya 2016 Extension -i S 657H1 793H1 2016.0.0.F XXX-XXXXXXXX /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2016.5/MayaConfig.pit
# Disable intro screens
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.autodesk.MC3Framework MC3Enabled -int 0
#Remove installers from /
rm -rf /Install Maya 2016 Extension
rm -rf /Install Mudbox
rm -rf /Install mental ray For Maya 2016 Extension
exit 0
Posted on 07-18-2016 03:21 PM
@garypuk I had similar issues.
I'm testing 10.11.5 on our machines, and the script you've outlined above works for the Maya 2016 installer, but not the Maya 2016 Ext 2 installer.
When I launch Maya Ext 2 for the first time after the postinstall runs, it still prompts for serial number and product key whereas the regular Maya 2016 app has this information applied and activates fine after the postinstall.
Posted on 07-18-2016 11:13 PM
I reckon its the '2016.0.0.F' part as it must relate to the version number or something but I have no idea were i would get this. Are you installing a stand alone multi seat version also?
Posted on 07-19-2016 07:15 AM
@garypuk standalone
Posted on 07-21-2016 02:36 AM
Have had to roll out Maya 2016 Sp 6 as just cant get ext 2 working. Mudbox works as long as you run it as an admin first as it must want to write something to a location a standard user doesnt have access to.
Posted on 07-25-2016 01:18 PM
Hi All,
I am new to the Casper Suite, so feel free to point out what I'm missing. We use multi seat licensing for the Autodesk Entertainment Creative Suite Ultimate to install Maya and Casper 2016. I see that there have been alot of issues imaging these 2 packages but I packaged both with Composer (Installed, serialized and customized) and they seem to work fine...What am I missing?
Also 2017 came out today, but I haven't tested it yet.
Posted on 07-25-2016 11:36 PM
Hi Maristchris
I tried using Composer to start with but what I was finding was that when another user logged inand tried to use it, Mudbox hung and Maya wanted to be registered again. This is despite filling a user template. I tried a few times but never got it to work correctly. Glad you managed to do so.
Posted on 07-26-2016 10:03 AM
Ok, thanks for the clarification.
We use a single user with the same username, secured with DeepFreeze in our labs. I'll have to do some more testing, but the simplified user structure might be the reason it still works on our machines. Thanks again. -Chris
Posted on 07-27-2016 01:59 PM
I've spent the day working with the 2017 version and I'm now having issues too. The current problem I have is with Mudbox. When I use composer to capture the software, Mudbox closes immediately after launch, so I am stepping away and looking at scripted methods.
I am now walking through the different scripts (thanks all) in Terminal. So far I've gotten Mudbox to install with:
sudo /Users/administrator/Desktop/Install Maya --noui --log=/Users/administrator/Desktop/Install Maya 2017.log --force --serial_number=123-12345678 --product_key=793i1 --license_type=kStandalone
Mudbox 2017 seems to install and work fine with this command, but throws an error about closing unexpectedly when the program is closed properly. The same behavior occurs when I use the GUI to install the software, so I think thats just a Mudbox issue.
Do I still have to use the adlmreg command? It seems to be activated already.
If the adlmreg command is used what should be put in to replace "2016.0.0.F"? I assume that is a version code of some sort. I tried "2017.0.0.A" (a wild guess) with this command:
sudo /Users/administrator/Desktop/Install Mudbox -i S 793i1 2017.0.0.A 123-12345678 /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2017/MudboxConfig.pit
and got error "Invalid number of arguments."
What am I missing? Thanks in advance. -Chris
Posted on 07-27-2016 02:20 PM
Don't feel too bad, I'm having similar fits trying to get the 2017 versions working as well. Also seeing your "Program Closed Unexpectedly" error on scripted and GUI installs, so thats a product bug for sure, at least on 10.11.x systems.
It appears that they've made some changes to the licensing portion of these products. For instance, I've found that license files are no longer being written to
Instead, at first-time launch, they are creating multiple files (2-3) per product under
/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/<productKey>_2017.0.0.F/
where <productKey> is your key for Maya or Mudbox. Inside of each folder are separate files that include the "SERVER" and "USE_SERVER" lines we've previously seen in the .lic files.
I've bashed my head against this all afternoon and I'm giving up for the day. I'll post any results if I make headway with it.
Posted on 07-27-2016 02:35 PM
Ok, thanks.
Just FYI, that folder you mention has 2 files in it for me, both with a single line. Here are the file names and txt in them, in case it helps:
We use standalone multi seat licensing. -Chris
Posted on 08-02-2016 11:51 AM
I too am looking at Maya 2017. Right now, I'm testing Autodesk's approved silent install method. The software installs without issue, but it doesn't seem to be correctly setting the license type to network, nor is it setting the server name.
Based on the advice provided above, there are two files that aren't being created by the installer that should be, if you want to use network licensing:
/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657I1_2017.0.0.F/LICPATH.lic
/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657I1_2017.0.0.F/
For LICPATH.lic, the content for me is:
SERVER 000000000000 USE_SERVER
and for, the content is:
So, what I'm doing to work around Autodesk's buggy installer is to just manually create those two files.
In my instance, I'm using "variant 2" that I documented above. In the post-install script, after I call the Autodesk installer, I'm creating the directory and echoing out to the files in question.
Seems to work so far. Our faculty doesn't use Mudbox, so that isn't an issue here.
Posted on 08-04-2016 03:21 PM
For what it's worth, a case was opened with Autodesk, and they've responded: the "setup" installer cannot configure the licensing information for Maya. They don't consider it a bug - they consider it "a feature that hasn't been implemented yet." They don't expect it to return until Maya 2018 at the earliest.
Their recommendation matches my post immediately before this one: manually create those two files.
Posted on 08-12-2016 09:03 AM
FYI, I had trouble with the script route as well and ended up packaging the three files that go into /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657I1_2017.0.0.F as the script option doesn't seem to work, resulting in a 'network license server not responding' error:
if [ -f /Library/Installers/Install Maya ] ;
say "Installing Maya"
# Install Maya 2017 with our serial number and server information
/Library/Installers/Install Maya --noui --log=/Library/AdminToolBox/Maya_2016.log --force --serial_number=123-12345678 --product_key=657I1
# These parameters (above) are being ignored: --license_type=kNetwork --server_name=animation.lan
# Disabled these lines as there is something wrong which is unclear. Using pkg instead
# Need to create this directory as it doesn't exist and that would cause echo commands to fail
#mkdir /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657I1_2017.0.0.F
#echo -n "SERVER animation.lan 000000000000" >> /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657I1_2017.0.0.F/LICPATH.lic
#echo -n "_NETWORK" >> /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657I1_2017.0.0.F/
#echo -n "done" >> /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/CLM/LGS/657I1_2017.0.0.F/nw.cfg
# Disable intro screens
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.autodesk.MC3Framework MC3Enabled -int 0
So, the above installs Maya 2017 and together with the three files I packaged, everything seems to work.