Packaging Maple 18


Does anyone have any experience with packaging Maple 18?

We're attempting to package the product in Composer using a standalone purchase code (primarily because we want our laptop users to be able to use it at home) using the advice here but getting into a bit of a pickle as we can't get the silent installer to run.

Also, is there any way of silently activating the software with a single user license?


New Contributor III

Hello, did you ever find a way around this? We are also single user license. Thanks!

Esteemed Contributor III

Never heard of Maple 18, but if you notice all the threads exposing deployment issues with software have helped vendors realize their dev teams don't always cover all bases. Might reach out to them and ask for a 1:1 remote session to work through this. This helped us with Adobe/Microsoft/BlueJeans/Aspera/HipChat/Cisco/Polycom/QUADROtech/etc. :)

Direct engagement between Mac engineers/admins and third party vendors' internal dev teams has resulted in improved installers, and easier deployment, win-win for everyone.
