Packaging Red Giant - Trapcode

New Contributor III

I am trying to package Trapcode Suite using their .mpkg. When composer captures the install, Trapcode installs files all over the OS. The trapcode installer is an .app imbedded in an .mpkg (the file I am trying to use for the install), with .pkgs bundled for each Adobe After Effect's plugin. The issue I am having is I capture XML file from the .mpkg using -showChoicesXML and output it to a new plist file. I know I can modify this plist and then apply and install the changes using -applyChoiceChangesXML. I have tried using a modified and an unmodified plist, with no success.

The install command I use is:

sudo installer -pkg /path/to/trapcode.mpkg -applyChoiceChangesXML /path/to/file.plist -target /

Installer kicks back this error:

installer: choices file 'path/to/file.plist' either could not be found or was malformed.

Any thoughts or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


New Contributor

If I were creating this package, I'd assume I fat fingered the path, after that I'd enclose it in quotes and/or make sure to escape any special characters that may be in it.

Hope this helps!


New Contributor III

@Felton I wished I had fat-fingered it. I always drag the file into terminal, so I don't screw up the path. I tried quoting as well, just to humor myself. No success... :(

Contributor III

We use a bunch of the Red Giant plugins here, and I've always used Composer to capture the raw file locations. There's not as many places as you might think for things, but it's boiled-down to:

/Applications/After Effects/Plug-ins/
/Applications/After Effects/Presets/
/Applications/Red Giant
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/VERSION/MediaCore/
/Users/Shared/Red Giant/

Those locations capture about everything with the Red Giant plugins, including the serial numbers (if you have multiple licenses for the same serial number like we do). If you have some of the other Red Giant suites, or install it for Final Cut Pro as well, then there's a couple of other locations, but this covers most of it. I've never had good luck trying to command-line install these items, but this has worked for me every time.