Patch Management OneDrive Definition mismatch

New Contributor II

When I look at our Patch Management dashboard, MS OneDrive shows a curiously low "Latest Version" count.

The current version according to JAMF is 22.111.0522, issued on 06/06/2022. However the new releases page at and MAU list the latest version as 22099.0508.0001 for the same date. 

Fix, please?



The CFBundleShortVersionString just to the right of where you're looking on shows "22.099.0508". However, Jamf uses the Rolling Out" version listed here, which is currently "22.111.0522":

New Contributor II

OK. That gives a reason for the difference. But my current install doesn't contain that version number (22.111.0522) anywhere in the Info.plist. MAU says my OneDrive is up to date. There is no installer available for that version. Given that one of my KPIs is to keep software on Latest Version >66%, how do I update it?


First, what's your source of truth for "Latest Version" if it's not going to be Jamf's App Catalog? Is it And will it be the latest Production build.

Once you've specified that (and assuming you're a Jamf Cloud customer), consider using Title Editor to create your own patch definition for the version you need.

Watch the video in the Training Catalog first to be sure this will meet your needs.

New Contributor II

Another MS title; Skype. Latest version available from MS download page is, Jamf latest version is xx.409, so 0% on latest version.

Building my own PM definitions is just re-inventing the wheel; the point of these services is that we don't have to provide our own.

Hello @DEbeck. Microsoft releases can be problematic as what you see as 'most recent' will depend on what release stream of the MS product your organization has chosen to deploy. As @talkingmoose has mentioned, we use the 'Rolling Out' version as the most recent version as we have many customers that are on that release stream. If we did not include that release stream in patch management, those customers would be impacted by 'unknown versions' in patch management so there is no simple solution that will suit every customer scenario.

The steps that @talkingmoose mentions regarding using Title Editor to override the latest version does not require you to create your own definition. You can instead import the Jamf maintained definition into Title Editor and then set which version you want to have reported as the 'latest' (see attached pics). You then use the Title Editor patch source for your patch management policy. This way the patch definition is still updated by us, you just get to set which version best suits your release stream.
