Contributor II
Contributor II

Joined: March 2021

User Statistics

  • 109 Posts
  • 9 Solutions
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  • 119 Kudos received

User Activity

On the 29th of July we will be removing two software titles from App Installers : BlueJeans and JetBrains AppCode. Verizon made the announcement that BlueJeans was sunset on March 29, 2024. You can read the announcement here. JetBrains announced the ...
If you are an admin that has access to the Adobe Admin Console, you can control what services and apps are available to users via the Creative Cloud desktop app. The following Adobe support articles document what customization options are availableht...
Retirement of selected ‘Legacy’ definitions. Back in February of 2021 we announced that we would be marking a number of Patch Management definitions as deprecated. This was quickly changed to adding the text of (Legacy Definition) in the publisher co...
In September 2022 we started bundling a notification engine with most App Installers software title to enable end users to be notified that there was a pending software update available if the app was currently running (App Installers would silently ...
We recently updated App Installers section of the Jamf Pro Admin guide (in 10.40) to provide more detail on the App Installers workflow.As we call out in this section, App Installers uses the InstallEnterpriseApplication MDM command as its deployment...