Photos App in Yosemite Requiring Admin Privileges

New Contributor III

After upgrading our computers to 10.10.3 from Mavericks, a number of our users are hit with requiring administrative privileges when they run the new Photos app for the first time. These users have been using iPhoto in the past with Mavericks. Has anyone else had this issue or know of a fix we can push out?


Honored Contributor II

We've done a couple of deployments that have included the Photos app. Haven't had this in that scenario, but these were new installs.

I would recommend using something like fseventer, run it on a test Mac, launch and see what file / folder its trying to write to.

Then you can decide if its something you can create ahead of time with a script or policy.

Adobe Extension Manager does something similar (wants to create a folder in /Library on first launch), we added a post flight script to create the folder and it worked fine after that.

Valued Contributor II

Interesting. We've experiences none of these issues, either in a fresh install or after a mavericks to 10.10.3 upgrade. The again, we're not installing 'photos' as a separate application. Rather, we deploy it as part of the 10.10.3 installer whether that's the base OS or an upgrade.