Posted on 01-22-2015 09:04 AM
Hi all,
I'm thinking a feature request may be needed but wanted to check I'm not missing something.
We normally use a first boot script to set the keyboard layout, region and language of a Mac based on the intended country of use (we're an integrator so deploy Casper in lots of places). Its a bit of a pain and has become more troublesome since the introduction of cfprefsd.
I'm looking for a simpler way to set this up, via a policy or possibly as part of a Casper imaging configuration. Failing that, a configuration profile would also work. Basically a drop-down menu to say "This Mac is in XXXX", e.g. the UK, France, Tokyo etc and have it set all the relevant bits and pieces.
I just wanted to make sure this wasn't something already available that I was overlooking. If anyone can confirm either way that would be great!
Posted on 01-22-2015 09:53 AM
i just remove all the parts of setup assistant i do not want to run, and then run it at the beginning so the user can choose what country, keyboard and localization settings, i have to manually do timezone because i break stuff between localization and timezone in setup assistant and it wont recover anymore. but that was easily done with a cocoa dialog box. and i can ask whatever else i want at that point asset tag, location the user is in, etc and capture it on the first boot to help set AD stuff up, hostname etc.