Posted on
11:51 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
We have a new requirement that we display a EULA of sorts at login. I have one setup via a policy banner, BUT secops is now asking if a "shutdown" button of the like can be added. Basically they want a user to be able to shutdown if they don't agree to the acceptable use policy. Is anyone doing this?
Posted on 02-17-2021 12:07 PM
Nothing I am aware of using the Apple PolicyBanner", User-Initiated Enrollment > Language-Specific Enrollment Messaging or Enrollment Customization > PreStage Panes... it will just sit and wait until you "Accept"
You have options once the user-session is active, but at that point you have ways around it too
Posted on 02-17-2021 12:47 PM
That is what I was thinking as well. Thank you.
Posted on 02-17-2021 03:24 PM
I've never seen anything for shutdown either, but if you think about it... If they don't accept the AUP, they shouldn't be doing anything to the machine.