Posted on 09-14-2011 05:41 PM
We are creating some portable Casper drives for our techs. Everything seems to work except...
When invoking Custom Install option in Casper Imaging (where the tech would pick additional PKG installers). When a tech selects a PKG that has "Must install at imaging time" attribute set (such as Adobe CS 5.5 Master Collection) the PKG does not go into the "Prepare FirstRun Script" folder on the left of Casper Imaging. Instead, Casper Imaging tries to install while booted from the portable Casper drive, and fails.
Binding script does not work. The script name shows as blank in the build train on the left side of Casper Imaging. So the tech has to bind the Mac after he/she is done imaging.
Just a couple observations...anyone seeing this?
Posted on 09-15-2011 06:07 AM
I think here are some answers, but you probably need to contact JAMF
1 - install at imaging literally means install at imaging. Install on first boot or after would install it once it reboots from being imaged.
2 - I ditched all my bind scripts and allow the Casper framework to just bind the client at reboot after imaging. Are you able to do this? This way I don't have to maintain scripts to bind clients based on naming convention. Would that work for you?
Posted on 09-15-2011 07:10 AM
Hi Thomas,
For #1 the Adobe CS5 pkg that shows up under "Prepare FirstRun Script" when NetBooted shows up at the stop of the build train stack when using a self contained portable Casper drive (so instead of installing after reboot, it installs during imaging time so it fails).
For #2 the script is actually the JAMF bind function...sorry I called it a "script". Does not work when using self contained Casper drive (so techs need to manually bind after reboot).
Posted on 09-15-2011 07:21 AM
Hmm, well that is strange. So, if you netboot all is good, if you use the Casper hard drive, it is all messed up? I wonder if the BIND part is actually stored in the JSS and not anywhere else. So, you may need access to the JSS to get it. If I recall, that is just simply an object in the MySQL database with some information and the casper client just basically copies/pastes that information to bind the client.
I don't think you sync the BIND "package" (not sure what to call it, object?) across shares and local drives. I think it is all stored in the JSS. So perhaps going to a script can fix this.
Posted on 09-15-2011 07:51 AM
Correct on #1. It's a problem for our techs since because of this issue thry can't select/add packages during imaging when using the portable Casper drive.
On #2 since the JSS is replicated to the drive it should work, no?
PS we're still on 7.31
Grassy arse,
** Sent from my iPhone **
Posted on 09-18-2011 02:51 AM
JAMF Support looked through their support archive and found that both issues are listed as bugs with 7.31. Version 8 fixes things, so "install at reboot" stuff works, and binding works. So we told the techs who we have equipped with portable Casper Imaging drives that they must NOT manually select any items...instead must use our configs; and we told them they must manually bind when using the portable Casper Imaging drives.