Posted on 04-13-2011 11:43 AM
While I have been working with my PC counterparts at the college, we discussed something I have yet to attempt or know If it can be done on a Mac. This is, powering on a Mac over the local network. Does anyone know if this is possible? This is important especially if updates or images are needing to be sent to labs and there is no one available to turn on the Macs.
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks everyone!
Posted on 04-13-2011 12:11 AM
Short answer is nope. Macs cannot be power up from an off state over the network. They can be woken up from sleep over the network.
Bill Henkel
Computer Technician
Telephone Support Specialist
henkelb at<mailto:henkelb at>
fax: 608-785-9287
Posted on 04-13-2011 12:28 AM
As Bill said, you can't remotely turn on a powered down Mac (except for the
later model Xserves), but you can schedule a time when they're automatically
powered on using the Energy Saver preference pane (i.e. weekdays at 7:00
J. Brandt Buckley
Systems Integration Engineer
brandt at
P: +1 858 822 0743 F: +1 858 524 7497
Center for Research in Biological Systems
University of California, San Diego
Holly & Calit2
9500 Gilman Drive
Basic Science Building #1000
La Jolla, CA 92093-0608
Posted on 04-13-2011 12:29 AM
I suppose you could use energy saver settings to always turn machines on,
say Friday nights at 7pm though.
Then schedule your updates for that night.
As Bill said though, you cannot 'on the fly' remotely power on a mac as needed. Even LOM on our Xserves has been very unreliable typically.
ben janowski
Senior Macintosh Support Technician
Kohl's Mac Support Team
262.703.1396 | benjamin.janowski at
Posted on 04-13-2011 06:34 PM
It is possible if you're allowed to broadcast across subnets, but that's typically not the case.
Options exist for using other products of course. There are some options in Apple Remote Desktop.
The system we use here I believe has a Mac client now, but haven't deployed it yet, E1 Nightwatchman. It always leaves one computer on per subnet that's used to wake up the rest in the subnet, or specific boxes. If that one box is shutdown, the client is suppose to wake up another box in the subnet first so you always have a controller in that area.
I tell you what though…it sure has been far less of a pain in the ass to not sleep or shutdown Macs for me, I can tell you that much. However, I will likely look at using this client over this summer so we can squeeze out a little more energy savings.
<insert spance of time here>
I've read a few replies since I started typing. It may be the case that a system can't be woken from a powered off state, but I haven't heard that. I know that we hibernate/sleep systems with Nightwatchman, not totally power off.
Craig E