Prestage Enrollment Not Pushing Apps for M1 Macbooks

New Contributor III

When enrolling M1 Macbooks, Airs or Pros, the apps we have setup to auto-install during Enrollment do not install. They sit in Pending forever. The Macbook Pro M1 that I am currently working on has policies pending from when I first enrolled the device, 3 months ago.


Our prestage is amazing (installs Chrome, Zoom, Slack, etc before it's even fully logged in) for the Intel Macbooks but for some reason the M1 Macbooks do not recognize these policies.  I can push apps through regular Check In policies, but not enrollment it seems. 


There are no pending policies showing in Jamf on my Management portion of the device record, but there are policies pending in the actual policy section itself. 


New Contributor

I found that I had to install Rosetta 2 before almost anything else with my M1 devices.  After Rosetta install, everything else seems to work correctly.

New Contributor III

Yes you need install Rosetta 2 for the new M1 macs otherwise nothing is going to install

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I wouldn't say "nothing."  Technically Rosetta 2 is only required for Intel apps.  Chrome, Zoom & Slack are all available as Universal installers, so should install and run natively on M1 without Rosetta 2. 


Although I'm not sure what would prevent these from running using the 'Enrollment Complete' trigger while working with the 'Recurring Check in' trigger (if that's what OP means).


Personally, I would make sure I am using the Universal PKGs for Chrome and Zoom (Slack is from the Mac App Store , so no PKG is required), and set the trigger to 'Enrollment Complete' AND 'Recurring Check in.'