Prestage Imaging problem

Contributor II

This might be hard for me to explain but I'm having an issue when imaging some machines. I have a compiled configuration that I'd like for our Macbook Airs to use during Prestage Imaging. I have a separate network switch setup and have scoped the Prestage Imaging for that switch. I'm testing the imaging with 10 Macbook Airs. Initially, it seems as if all the computers imaged just fine. Before reimaging, I removed the computers from the JSS and from AD. Now, when trying to reimage the computers, only some of them use the compiled configuration. The rest of the computers either don't Netboot or they try to install the configuration one step at a time. When they try to install the configuration one step at a time the process never completes, the progress bar just goes forever and ever.

Does this make any sense?

- Jamie