Posted on 07-07-2015 02:18 PM
Hey all,
Question is in the subject. I've been trying to prevent standard users from gaining Admin privileges. We have FV2 enabled, and disable the root account on all our Macs right now.
Some of our users are using single user mode to remove the .AppleSetupDone file to prompts the startup screen, at which point they are making an Administrator account.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening? After researching online, all I could really find were options like firmware password(not really an option due to management of the password), or using a different encryption method other than FV2 which I dont think we will be able to change any time soon.
My major concern is that as long as the user can boot to single user mode, will they always be able to find a way around the controls to gain admin/root privileges? or is there any other way to disable single-user mode that I am missing?
Ive tried using startup triggers to re-create the .AppleSetupDone file but it doesnt seem to hit the machine before the setup screen.
thanks for any advice, Im kind of out of ideas :(
Posted on 07-07-2015 04:28 PM
The answer here is firmware password.
What is your issue with management of the password?
Posted on 07-07-2015 05:44 PM
You might want to look at this link text. This is an old post but it should still work. I would also recommend using a firmware password, unless there is a really good reason for people to boot to another OS.
Posted on 07-07-2015 06:01 PM
Without a firmware password you will be chasing your tail. You could start with chflags to lock the file though.
Also consider setting up a launchd item to kill the erroneous admin users. Perhaps a test against the admin group. You know who the admins should be, so remove any that shouldn't be there. Something based on the below. Change the echo command to what you would like to consider should be done.
You could of course remove the admin rights, remove the user or my preference make the machine useless to them so they have to come back to you. Kill the loginwindow and then do your worst.
declare -a AdminList=("root" "myadmin")
function RemoveAdmins
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
if [[ ! "${AdminList[@]}" =~ $1 ]]
echo $1
current_admins=`dscl . read /Groups/admin GroupMembership | cut -d " " -f 2-`
RemoveAdmins $current_admins
exit 0
Perhaps once an unknown admin is found, you could have a LaunchAgent to check the ownership of /dev/console and if it isn't root kill the loginwindow, essentially killing all logins.
killall -HUP loginwindow
You could also provide a message using iHook, Cocoadialog, Pashua, Big Honking Text, etc. to overlay the loginwindow with a message. "You will are required to buy the IT team cake!"
If these are shared machines and you don't know who is doing it, you could take a picture with the camera.
There are other ways to achieve the same results, but essentially the idea is rather than playing with the .AppleSetupDone file, monitor the admins/user accounts and then react.
Posted on 07-10-2015 12:07 AM
I have got around this by creating a LaunchDaemon to touch the .AppleSetupDone file.
That way it will always be created on startup even if the user deleted the file in Single User mode
Posted on 07-10-2015 12:12 AM
Here is my LaunchDaemon
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>touch /var/db/.AppleSetupDone</string>
Posted on 07-10-2015 12:14 AM
Posted on 07-10-2015 12:19 AM
Hmm so a user starts up a machine in single user mode, removes the .AppleSetupDone file and reboots
Does the setup assistant not show up? Does your LaunchAgent run before Setup Assistant checks for the presence of the file?
If the user is able to boot into single user mode, and they know about the presence of the .AppleSetupDone file. It would be trivial for them to also remove the LaunchAgent
Posted on 07-14-2015 08:25 PM
The Apple Setup wizard will not show up if the user deletes the .AppleSetupDone file as it is a LaunchDaemon and runs before the loginwindow is invoked, LaunchAgents run when the user logs in.
Yes the user could delete the launchdaemon in single user mode but how would they know of its existence?
Without a firmware password they could delete basically any file they wanted to in single user mode so without acutally setting a firmware password I have used this method and it has been successful in preventing users gaining admin access.