Printtool is trying to modify the printer settings

Contributor II

Hello Jamf Nation,


Have a question about the printtool in macOS. Currently all our users are standard, non-admin accounts. As such, whenever printtool tries to modify printer settings, users are prompted for an administrator username/password and are unable to authenticate.


Was wondering if anyone has any methods to get the printtool notifications suppressed or potentially just add all users to have the functionality to be able to authenticate through the prompt?


Valued Contributor II

search found this

then this..

The second reason why you are getting the pop-up error is that the user is not having the necessary rights. If the person he or she is not having sufficient rights, then they might face this printtool error. But, you can solve this by giving them rights. How to? By adding the user to the Print Administrators Group using Directory Utility.



Which you can script via DSCL.


Contributor II

I have used the following command to allow end users to add or modify printers without admin rights:

dseditgroup -o edit -n /Local/Default -a everyone -t group lpadmin