problemas con profile configuration

New Contributor

I'm trying to implement profiles for the system but are unable to 10.7.
If I JAMF configurationProfile command I get this:

There are no profiles to apply configuration at the device level.
There are no profiles to remove configuration at the device level.

That's what I do wrong?
I have marked certificate-based communication security.



Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

It sounds like you are having the same problems I am having. I can get the profiles to work to change the Dock settings, but whenever I tried to set 802.1x profiles for our wi-fi network they would not come down.

I have an open case with JAMF and they are aware of the problem. They are working to resolve this in 8.4.

However, I would still contact support ( and let them know you are experiencing this problem as well.


New Contributor

thanks for the info:)