Profiles best practices?

New Contributor III

Hello all.

I'm just starting to move away from our old OD MCX-based policy management to a combination of JAMF MCX and individual profiles. JAMF MCX seems fine, but I do want to start using profiles and do have some questions about them.

I'm planning on continuing to use jamf MCX for most "tweaks" and using profiles installed via JSS policy for things that work well with profiles. Fore example, VPN, locking System Prefs > Security > Require password option (which I can't seem to force grey-out with MCX). and perhaps a few other things. I've generated the profiles from both the JSS and a 10.9.3 profile manager and have test deployed via a policy. It seems to work fine, but I'm not sure if there are some best practices that I should be aware of. I start to think of things like stacking 2 profiles with different options (for example) with the LoginWindow Security settings:

Base loginwindow Profile: All Machines would get "Show additional information in the menu bar", disable auto login, Additionally: Laptops get "Banner 1" OR Additionally: Desktops get "Banner 2"

Could the above be accomplished with a main loginwindow profile + an additional loginwindow profile added to the main? Anything gotcha's with profiles that I should be aware of (duplicate UUIDs, modifying the profiles, using profiles form non-JSS sources, etc)?

Any pointers, best practices, warnings are welcomed.
