Posted on 05-25-2021 09:40 AM
We have been using the Twocanoes proximityd daemon and a config profile on our MacBook fleet to have printers automatically install and uninstall based on location in a building and proximity to a beacon. We are getting ready to go to Big Sur and I'm having issues with it not registering any regions when I check the logs. I am suspicious this is a TCC privacy issue that needs access to the Bluetooth, but haven't found out how to add it. I tried granting the daemon access to Bluetooth, but that didn't work.
Any suggestions?
Posted on 06-22-2021 11:40 AM
I think the problem is with the way that Apple have deprecated the init(proximityUUID:major:minor:identifier:) initializer and replaced it with init(uuid:major:minor:identifier:).
More info here >
It would seem that JAMF has yet to implement the new initializer - JAMF Support was trying to tell me earlier that the whole thing had been deprecated by Apple.
I have a support ticket open with them and it's been escalated so hopeful to hear something soon.
I see this was a few weeks ago, did you make any progress or have an alternative solution?
Posted on 07-20-2021 08:30 AM
I haven't gotten anywhere on this. Still hoping to find a solution.