Pushing out the Connect to Server favourite list on OS 10.11

New Contributor

I just wanted some advice for a casper issue that I’m having. Within 10.11 I am trying to deploy the ‘connect to server’ favourite list which we can push out to everyone.

Within 10.11 I believe the plist that is linked to the connect to server list is located in


I have created a DMG of this through Composer, uploaded it to the Casper Admin – filling FET and FUT. Saved it.

Uploaded it to a policy and pushed it to a test laptop. The laptop is receiving the policy but the connect to server list is not changing.

…am I doing anything wrong. Any help in the right area would be great.

I managed to this easily for 10.12 but just struggling with 10.11.

Regards, Atif


Esteemed Contributor III

We've used defaults export and defaults import, to manage specific servers without wiping existing servers.


Legendary Contributor III

Starting with I think 10.11 Apple introduced the sfltool, which is designed to make it easier to add in Connect to Server addresses among other things. Worth a look. There are at least 2 or 3 threads here that discuss the use. The only warning I will give is that it actually needs to run as the current user to be able to do anything, so there's that to consider when talking about running stuff via Jamf Pro.