Posted on 06-25-2014 06:59 AM
Hey all,
So, I recently imaged a MacPro desktop. After imaging, we test to make sure everything working correctly and such. I logged into self-service and I tried to run a policy, it would only take about a second to "complete" and be marked as "successful."
Even though it "completes," it doesn't actually do anything. Normally when there is an issue with Self-Service I just reinstall QuickAdd but in this case, I decided to check the logs first. The install.log file in /var/log it shows that it's checking for a policy #xxx but it never executes it. (I looked on a known good working machine to make sure it did more than just check for a policy."
So, after checking the log and not sure what to do about it, I decided to try to reinstall QuickAdd. Every time I try to reinstall it, it throws an error about not finishing a postflight script.
I thought it would be best to try to use these two commands. Both of them worked fine.
sudo jamf enroll -verbose
sudo jamf recon -verbose
Basically, I can't figure out why it wont reinstall QuickAdd and why it wont install policies correctly.
Posted on 06-25-2014 08:58 AM
If you are having issues with the postflight script, open up the QuickAdd package and run it directly. You'll get better error output in the shell.
All it does is run calls with the binary, so you don't need to re-run the package itself (which I believe just installs the jamf binary to bootstrap the enrollment).
Posted on 06-25-2014 09:01 AM
@alexjdale, I tried something similar to that. I tried installing the quickadd.pkg with the terminal command
sudo installer -pkg /Path/to/file -target / -verbose
Still throws the same error. Not much information given after that.
Posted on 06-25-2014 09:07 AM
Installer gives very vague output, all you know from that is that it failed, but not why. If you run the postflight script in the shell, you will get to see all of the output from the jamf binary as it tries to create the JSS configuration, enable SSH, enroll, or do whatever else you have the QuickAdd set to do. It enrolls using an invitation code rather just than the standard "-enroll" command, and that may be the issue.
Just right click the QuickAdd, "Show Package Contents," navigate to Contents->Resources, open a terminal window and type "sudo " then drag the postflight to the Terminal window and run that.
You can even add "-verbose" to jamf calls in the postflight script to get even more details.
Posted on 06-25-2014 09:10 AM
Oh. Well, now I feel silly. Thank you, @alexjdale. I shall try that.