Posted on 04-27-2016 10:45 AM
Hey nation,
We're on JSS 9.82. Just noticed yesterday that iPads that move up to 9.3 and 9.3.1 are having their "iTunes & App Store" option removed from Settings. I think this could disrupt a user's ability to use the App Store, even though the App Store itself is enabled in restrictions. Case in point, I couldn't download Apps myself on my own AppleID and test iPad because I needed to update my payment info again. With the restrictions enabled, I couldn't access the interface that would allow me to do that.
It seems to be the "Allow use of iTunes Store (supervised only)" checkbox under Configuration Profiles > Restrictions > Applications. When I check this box, the iTunes & App Store option comes back--but we don't want to enable the iTunes Store.
Can anyone speak to the behavior of this feature on JSS 9.91 against iOS 9.2.1, 9.3 and 9.3.1?
Thanks in advance for any information!
Posted on 04-29-2016 12:26 PM
My TAM confirmed that there is a known bug regarding this issue. A future iOS release is expected to fix the problem.