Re-Deploying applications from the Jamf App catalog.

New Contributor III

I have been testing the Jamf app catalog.

I have a prestage that seems to be working for the initial deploy.

What I need is the ability to delete an app and have it redeploy on next check in.

Outlook constantly becomes corrupt and needs to be removed and re-installed.

Previously I used a script that allowed the EU to remove and re-install the app through Self Service.

Is it possible to re-trigger the Jamf app catalog deployment beyond the initial install?


New Contributor III

Im also interested in redeploying a software from the app catalog. I've deployed Zoom via App Catalog and after a patch the app was broken. I deleted the app but in the deployment status of Zoom the affected client is still shown as "successful" even though I triggered an inventory scan after the deinstallation.

New Contributor III

I just had Zoom do the same. It would normally take the update with just a user clicking yes. This last time it wanted people to download a full installer that they do not have admin rights to install. 

I moved to using this URL ( in a policy and set it in SS so they can just reinstall when needed.

New Contributor III

I was working with Jamf Support on this issue. Disabling and re-enabling the Deployment didn't work, but deleting and recreating the Deployment for Zoom fixed things for me (so far).

New Contributor III

Would you please explain further? What do you mean by deleting and recreating?

New Contributor III

Go to Mac Apps, open the desired Deployment, delete it and create it from scratch.

New Contributor III

That is not a solution. It needs to be done on a per machine basis. It's a one off thing when a app fails on a machine, not the entire deployment,ent group.

New Contributor II

Just wondering if anyone has found a way to get this to work yet? I've trying everything and nothing works.

New Contributor III

The goal for this ask is to be able to delete/remove the app from an individual machine and as soon as it checks in again reinstalls the missing app. This would be on a per machine/user basis. 

New Contributor II

While the problem of re-deploying apps from the Jamf App catalog can be a challenge, it's important to hold up with the Best QA Practices for 2023 to ensure a smooth process. One of the key factors of these practices is to have the ability to easily do away with and redeploy applications as needed, which can help stop issues like Outlook corruption. While using a script for elimination and re-installation can work, it's worth exploring whether or not the Jamf app catalog can be configured to re-trigger deployments beyond the initial install. By staying up to date with the modern best practices, you can ensure a greater efficient and effective deployment manner for your applications.

New Contributor

Came here with the same issue, and since I didn't see a solution here or in Google, I'm posting what I was able to do. 

Use Smart Groups.

Using the above example of Zoom, you'll want a smart group that is "Does not have App Zoom" and use that as the group that you deploy the Zoom app to. The computer will be removed from the group, and the App Catalog deployment history, once Zoom is installed. If you don't want to deploy Zoom to everyone in the company you can use a combined Smart Group with a Static Group; something along the lines of "Does not have App Zoom AND Is in Static Group Zoom Users"

New Contributor III

j-owens, this does not work. I tried the smart group thing. It still never re-deploys. 

New Contributor III

Same issue here. Only difference is I am trying to use the self service deployment. After an app installs, seems like you have no option to re-install, as is with standard self service policies. This seems to be a key feature that is missing.

New Contributor II

any news on this?

New Contributor III

fxnikon, there has been no change that I know of. I tried the smart group solution, but it does not work.

Contributor III

Has anyone tried excluding it and then re-applying it?

Contributor III

I just got it working with the following method, similar to the delete and re-create:

  1. I cloned the existing deployment, and disabled the clone before saving,
  2. I then deleted the original deployment,
  3. Followed by enabling the clone.

This appears to be working, as those that were showing installed incorrectly are now showing in-progress, while those that were already installed are showing as installed.

I'll reply to this again once I have confirmed those Macs that were incorrectly showing as installed, have actually installed (after in-progress changes to installed for those Macs).

Contributor III

Confirmed, although one of my apps I had to do a second time, but all installed now.

Contributor III

Because of the way Apple handles updates it won’t automatically upgrade Mac apps unless the application has quit.
On top of that Jamf will only try to update the app three times. Once those three times are up it will not do it again until a new version is out  (or you manually clear the mysql table with a command).