Re-Enroll All Machines?

New Contributor

Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way to reenrol all the machines on the network, as to currently get the list of current users etc up to date.

We have around 300 macs in our building, but with people leaving and new people joining, a lot of the names associated with some machines are now redundant.

Is there a way we can update all the machines in one fell swoop, or would people have to go to the JSS enrol page on their machines to do this?

Thanks in advance



Contributor III

If you just want to re-enroll everyone, you should be able to just run:

sudo jamf enroll

on each of your machines. It might be more helpful to describe your environment a bit more, though - are your users logging in via AD/OD, or are they local?

Valued Contributor III
sudo jamf enroll

This no longer works in casper 9. Now you have to use ```
sudo jamf enroll -prompt
``` and then type your jss username and password then the ssh username and password.

You can also make a quick add package and just look at the script that it creates (in show package contents) and copy and paste the enrollment invitation command that was created into a new script that you can push out.

Or just push out the quick add package for that matter.

You also can just use recon to do a crawl to enroll anything on your network even machines already in your JSS.
Lots of options!
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools