Re-enroll push certificate

New Contributor II

We use Jamf for our fleet of iphones and have renewed the push certificate but it appears to maybe have created a new one. The certificate information we show in jamf now doesn't match the ones on the devices. So, now when we try to push management commands to the device we get the error "The JSS has received a feedback error from the APNs Server". All these devices were setup using prestage enrollment. How do I get these devices to update with the new certificate without wiping them all and starting over. We have over 50 devices and they're spread out all over the state.


New Contributor

you will have to download the Push certicate with the same apple ID you used to create the old one, other wise it wont APN wont work on the devices with OLD apple ID on the certificate

New Contributor
New Contributor

If you can find and renew the original certificate, and upload that in place of the new one, devices should resume working normally.

New Contributor II

Thank you. We've been able to get the renewal updated properly now.