Re-installing JAMF Framework in an UIE envriornment

New Contributor

Greetings all!

My team and I are facing a challenge and are struggling to find a viable solution. 

We are in a unique situation, where we operate fully remote at a global scale. Because of this, we are unable to utilize ABM to its fullest extent. Thus, as part of the onboarding for a new user, they are to enroll their company purchased laptop, into JAMF via user initiated enrollment.

We've made this as secure as we can, but there is still an issue of removing the JAMF framework via terminal. As this thread indicates, the removal of the JAMF framework is somewhat trivial if the machines are enrolled in ABM. 

Our initial idea was to test the JAMF framework API, however, it seems that once the framework is removed, the machine loses all communication with the JAMF server, as the server couldn't identify the computer by it's JAMF ID. 

A few additional details we found:

  • Despite the framework being removed, the 'Inventory' tab of the computer still shows as 'managed.'
  • The 'Management' tab does not load at all, after running the API. Pre-api testing, the 'Management' tab showed normal info, but did not have any of the typical management commands at the top. After API testing, the 'Management' tab is a white screen and does not load.
  • The machine we are testing has JAMF binary version: 10.37.2

Ideally, our end goal is to have an automated process that identifies when the framework is removed, and reinstalls it. Thank you!