Recon 9.81 generated QuickAdd failing to install

Honored Contributor

I generated a QuickAdd pkg using Recon 9.81. Our JSS is still on 9.73. The client I'm testing on is 10.10.5. However I continue to get this error message "Failed to enforce the management framework: Invalid Message - The message could not be parsed." This is what causes the installer to 'fail' to install. However the actual computer does get enrolled into the JSS. I can run all these commands successfully:
jamf mdm
jamf manage
jamf policy

So things seem to be on the up and up. However I don't like that the installer is failing with that particular error. Is anyone else seeing this? Is this due to the difference between the server version and client binary version? The jamf binary does get downgraded like its supposed to with version 9.73.

Wed Sep 30 11:32:59 Mac jamf[419]: The SSL certificate for does not need to be trusted.
Wed Sep 30 11:33:28 Mac jamf[453]: Failed to enforce the management framework: Invalid Message - The message could not be parsed.
Wed Sep 30 11:33:29 No Name jamf[680]: Checking for policies triggered by "enrollmentComplete"...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:30 Mac jamf[680]: The management framework will be enforced as soon as all policies are done executing.
Wed Sep 30 11:33:30 No Name jamf[680]: Upgrading jamf binary...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:32 Mac jamf[680]: The management framework will be enforced as soon as all policies are done executing.
Wed Sep 30 11:33:32 No Name jamf[680]: Upgrading jamf agent...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:33 No Name jamf[680]: Upgrading
Wed Sep 30 11:33:33 No Name jamf[680]: Upgrading JAMF notification service...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:33 No Name jamf[680]: Upgrading Self
Wed Sep 30 11:33:35 Mac jamf[680]: Adding launchd task com.jamfsoftware.task.checkForTasks...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:36 Mac jamf[777]: Enforcing management framework...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:40 Mac jamf[777]: Enforcing scheduled tasks...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:40 Mac jamf[777]: Adding launchd task com.jamfsoftware.task.1...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:40 Mac jamf[777]: Creating launch daemon...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:40 Mac jamf[777]: Downloading the agent...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:41 Mac jamf[777]: Creating launch agent...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:41 Mac jamf[777]: Installing Self Service plug-in Create FTP Site...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:41 Mac jamf[777]: Installing Self Service plug-in Help Desk...
Wed Sep 30 11:33:41 Mac jamf[777]: Installing Self Service plug-in Open Air...
Wed Sep 30 11:35:01 Mac jamf[940]: The SSL certificate for does not need to be trusted.
Wed Sep 30 11:35:57 Mac jamf[974]: Failed to enforce the management framework: Invalid Message - The message could not be parsed.
Wed Sep 30 11:35:58 No Name jamf[1205]: Checking for policies triggered by "enrollmentComplete"...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:00 No Name jamf[1205]: Upgrading jamf binary...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:01 Mac jamf[1205]: The management framework will be enforced as soon as all policies are done executing.
Wed Sep 30 11:36:02 Mac jamf[1205]: Adding launchd task com.jamfsoftware.task.checkForTasks...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:04 Mac jamf[1280]: Enforcing management framework...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:05 Mac jamf[1280]: Enforcing scheduled tasks...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:05 Mac jamf[1280]: Removing existing launchd task /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.task.1.plist...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:05 Mac jamf[1280]: Adding launchd task com.jamfsoftware.task.1...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:05 Mac jamf[1280]: Creating launch daemon...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:05 Mac jamf[1280]: Creating launch agent...
Wed Sep 30 11:36:05 Mac jamf[1280]: Existing plug-in, 1.plist, is up to date.
Wed Sep 30 11:36:06 Mac jamf[1280]: Existing plug-in, 2.plist, is up to date.
Wed Sep 30 11:36:06 Mac jamf[1280]: Existing plug-in, 3.plist, is up to date.

I tried to run the QuickAdd twice just to see if the error would change hence the repeat of the error message.


Valued Contributor

When using a QuickAdd package, the jamf binary included in that package can be older, but not newer than the JSS version. An older binary will be upgraded, but a newer binary won't be downgraded. I would recommend to create a QuickAdd package with Recon 9.73 if you're still on that version.

Honored Contributor

@m.entholzner It actually doesn't matter. The binary will downgrade or upgrade to match the JSS version you're running. In my case, it actually downgrades the binary back to 9.73 from 9.81. However I reached out to JAMF Support and they mentioned the error is due to the change in the jamf binary location and the fact that the server is running an older version which isn't aware of the new binary location. So it's an expected error.

New Contributor III

I am experiencing the same error and both recon and the JSS are on the same version. Has JAMF been able to resolve this?

New Contributor

Bump. Having this error as well on 9.82 and a 10.11.2 client.