Recon command line wont -skipApps -skipFonts -skipPlugins

Not applicable

Hi all,

Is anyone aware of a reason that if I run the following from command line Casper collects applications etc anyway? usr/sbin/jamf recon -skipApps -skipFonts -skipPlugins

I'm trying to update user details in the jss on each login (via a script) but I keep finding it is taking ages as it is running a full recon every login.

Best regards,

Tim Morris | Team Leader | Technology Support KG
Learning Environments and Technology Services | Queensland University of Technology
Level 7, Room 706, F Block, Kelvin Grove | ph +61 7 313 89836 | m 0414 854 482 | sd #66507 | t.morris at< at> |
CRICOS No 00213J


Not applicable

I'd like to know the answer to this as well because I encountered the same


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hi guys,

just wondering if anyone has figured out the below?

We had a policy that at login would run: jamf recon -endUsername $3

Just to update the machines username, however... this now seems to run a full recon.. (I'm guessing this changed when we moved to v7)..

Or does anyone have a list of verbs for recon?

Ben Toms
IT Support Analyst GREY Group
The Johnson Building, 77 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8JS
T: +44 (0) 20-3037-3819 |
Main: +44 (0) 20 3037 3000 | IT Helpdesk: +44 (0) 20 3037 3883

Honored Contributor

I ran into this too with 7.2, as it seems the -skip options don't
function right. However, on my 10.6.3 rig it seems to go by rather fast
but on my 10.5.8 rig it seems to not skip them.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Just to follow-up, I spoke to jamf & got some clarification:

v6 allowed this, but it was a bug.. which they fixed.

As of v7 recon now will only recon what’s set in the JSS & will not respect the command line options.

I’ve submitted a feature request to get this bug un-fixed :)

Oh, & another handy tip from JAMF Support. Run the following: jamf recon –help to get a list of recon switches.