Posted on 08-07-2009 03:14 PM
This is not a Casper question, but I'm still going to throw it out there...
We use SMB (Windows server) file shares for everything. When AD users
login, their SMB home path is automatically mounted and they get a
shortcut in their dock (typical setup).
Our problem is when users close their laptop and leave the network without
logging out. When they return to the network and try to connect to their
home volume they get a message that states "there was an error connecting
to the server." I can't find a way to reconnect without logging out and
back in. I'm somewhat certain this is just "how it works" but I'd still
like to find a way to fix it.
Posted on 08-07-2009 06:29 PM
This is how it is I've found. I haven't heard enough complaints, hardly any aside from my own, so I have not looked at submitting this to Apple.
Since I have a run of calls into Apple, perhaps I'll rack up another one and see what happens. =)
AFP reconnects nicely I'm told...
Craig E
Posted on 08-07-2009 06:41 PM
It used to be the same with us before we went AFP. When users would complain, my answer was shutting down the computer when you're finished or logging out until you want to return would result in fewer errors and best performance. If you're in a 1:1 across a district or have to support hundreds or thousands, consider adding an announcement to a daily bulletin, if you have one. That's how we get the word out to all the students at once about things they should know or do.
- Jeff
Sent from a mobile device.
Posted on 08-08-2009 04:08 PM
Do you have any OD servers at all?
If you could make them mobile accounts with portable home directories you would not have this problem and you should still be able to keep the home folders on the SMB shares.