Recovery HD appears on option-boot, named the same as OS X partition

New Contributor

Hi all,

We're running into an unusual problem that I can't seem to find anywhere else. We, by default, rename "Macintosh HD" to "System" (it's a callback to the way things were done before I came along). We also encrypt all of our machines with FileVault 2, obviously requiring a Recovery HD partition.

Starting with our 10.10.3 image, we've found that, after imaging, option-booting the machine shows two "System" partitions - ostensibly one for the encrypted partition and the second for the recovery partition. Clicking on the left HD sends the user to the login screen to unlock the encrypted drive, the right gives us the prohibitory symbol. We have verified that booting while holding Command-R (or pressing Command-R at the option-boot screen) does indeed load the recovery partition, but we would like to either not see the recovery partition on option-boot at all, or see it properly named (a diskutil list on the booted partition sees Recovery HD named correctly).

N.B. I used a 10.10.4 retail NetInstall .nbi to install a fresh copy of OS X onto a late-2013 retina MBP that only showed one System partition on the option-boot screen. I then pulled that into composer using the JAMF prescribed steps for creating an image (not my first rodeo) and imaged the same computer with that OS, and I'm getting the same problem. The machine in the photo is not encrypted yet, so I assume this is either a CoreStorage issue or a Casper Imaging issue. Any thoughts?



Valued Contributor III

That is most likely because the Recovery partition has one or both of the following.
Test it on a single machine, but pretty sure you can remove them and it still boots into Recovery if you hold Commnad+R but no longer shows as anything at all when you hold alt key (if you need it to show here something else is probably needed).

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor III

That is most likely because the Recovery partition has one or both of the following.
Test it on a single machine, but pretty sure you can remove them and it still boots into Recovery if you hold Commnad+R but no longer shows as anything at all when you hold alt key (if you need it to show here something else is probably needed).

Contributor III

does that machine have a fusion drive?

New Contributor

@Look - The Recovery HD dmg did, indeed, have both a /System and a / folder. I removed them and am still experiencing the same symptoms. It DOES still boot to the Recovery HD, though, when holding Command-R without those two folders.

@kstrick - Nope, it's a 256 GB SSD in a Late-2013 Retina MBP.

Contributor III

I use a script as part of the Recovery HD config.

/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount /dev/disk0s3
/usr/sbin/asr adjust -target /dev/disk0s3 -settype Apple_Boot

This is my main Config setup (OS & Apps, etc)

This is my Recovery Partition Config

Hope that helps!

New Contributor III

I'm having the same issue with our imaging process. We are using Casper 9.73/10.10.4 image on 13 MBA(6,2). I have never built any partitions and we don't use FileVault2. I am able to use Cmd + R to access the recovery disk, as well. But I see two "Macintosh HD" boot drives. One works as the OS and the other just simply fails to boot up(it starts the boot process and then fails in the end).

It looks as if you created two separate DMGs for a base image. One with the OS(without a Recovery) and the other with just the Recovery Install. You then create a partition on the install configuration in Casper Admin and place your Recovery Install in the partition along with this script(You create as a policy in JSS). Does this about sum up the procedure? What is the purpose of the script, please?

New Contributor

@stevevalle That's the process we currently use, but the script you, and JAMF, prescribe is only to hide the Recovery HD partition in Finder with the Mac fully booted, not to hide it on the Option-Boot screen.

Update: In testing last night, I tried an AutoDMG-created image, and sure enough, it names the Recovery partition correctly in the EFI. But unfortunately, AutoDMG doesn't allow me to modify the OS in the way that we want it modified to deploy to users.

Valued Contributor II

@PaulHPhillips what are you trying to modify in the OS? If we have a bit more detail we may be able to point you in the right direction when using AutoDMG to make the OS.

New Contributor

Well it looks like the test machine I imaged last night after @Look's suggestion didn't get our encryption policy. This morning, I imaged a computer again that did get properly encrypted, and his solution worked like a charm -only one HD appears on option-boot.

Thank you all for your help and input!

Honored Contributor

@PaulHPhillips I know you fixed your problem by now but I'm not sure I understand the comment about not being able to modify the OS the way you like using AutoDMG. You most certainly can make modifications via packages.

Valued Contributor III

This used to actually show a drive labeled Recovery with MacOS system version list after IE "Recovery HD 10.9.5".

Now it seems this just uses the same name as the main partition. The way that composer now copies both partitions when first creating a base image may be part of this issue but I'm not sure.

I'd like to have the Recovery Partition named and shown in the option boot list. Since we keep the machines locked with firmware, option booting is made only for our tech assistants and seeing the recovery drive makes their job a little easier.

Anyone know how to accomplish this?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools


Hi everyone, I have the same situation as @gshackney, has anyone solved this? OF course all repossess and suggestions are appreciated ! Thanks in advance