Recovery Partition

New Contributor

Does anyone have a way of maintaining the recovery partition with Mountain Lion. It seems once I re-image a machine with composer it kills the recovery partition. We only need them for purposes of encryption. I am getting an error when trying to encrypt, and the recovery partition is there just will not boot.




Release Candidate Programs Tester

You could set up an installer package that installs the current Recovery HD partition at first boot. There's a couple of posts out there describing how to build a package that does this:


Does this workflow work for 10.11? Need to get back a missing recovery partition on 10.11.

New Contributor

I would like to know the Updated solution for 10.11.3 ..

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Are you capturing the recovery.dmg when using composer to create the OS.dmg?

Better still, if you use AutoDMG to create the OS.dmg it will include the recovery partition & then you install that OS.dmg to clients with the recovery included.

New Contributor

I've been using AutoDMG and I'm seeing that it does not create the Recovery Partition. Could someone point me in the right direction for getting it to work?

Valued Contributor

Better yet, don't image.

New Mac? Enroll out of the box.

Repurposed Mac? Erase internal disk, install OS X, enroll.
Note: OS X Caching Sever caches Internet Recovery

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@possmo AutoDMG does create the recovery partition.

Used it for years & my Macs have the recovery partition.

What's your imaging process? What are you doing to check for the recovery partition? What does "diskutil -list" show?

Contributor II


should be "diskutil list" no "-"

lol, been reading your posts for ages now and wasnt sure if I should even correct you, ....... but thought it might help the cause.

BTW been using AutoDMG for the past 12 months and works perfectly for us :)

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@c0up3 correct away!

Contributor II

Could it be a matter of the Recovery Drive is not being blessed?

Im not 100% sure of the command for the recovery drive. Someone might want to check this
@possmo does the recovery drive show when you do a ls -la of Volumes?
Open Terminal
type "cd /Volumes"
type "ls -la"

What do you get back?

New Contributor III

The Recovery HD should normally NOT show up in /Volumes.
This is what I get:

$ ls -la /Volumes/
total 24
drwxrwxrwt@  5 root     admin   170 Mar  7 09:26 .
drwxr-xr-x  34 root     wheel  1224 Mar  4 14:41 ..
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     admin     1 Mar  4 16:44 MacHD -> /
drwxrwxrwx   0 root     wheel     0 Mar  7 09:27 MobileBackups

and this is normal
diskutil list is the output you need to investigate.
and if there is a correct Recovery HD, check the version of it (if there is a version mismatch FileVault will probably fail to be configured too)

Contributor II

Yeah. What they said. I realised I had composer open when I ran to test.....