Reference for privileges


Where can i find the reference for Privileges and what they mean for Jss Objects, Jss Actions, Recon, Casper remote, and Casper Imaging.

Is there a website or PDF that explains what each setting does?



New Contributor III

Count me in on wanting this. Today I found that in order to send a blank push to mobile devices I need Create permission on Mobile Devices under objects. I don't understand why read and update wouldn't do it.

Valued Contributor II

I have requested this from JAMF in the past, and for now its trial and error. I try thing out on a test JSS.

Legendary Contributor III

I agree that its pretty convoluted as is, and is definitely a case of trial and error unless you're trying to achieve something very simple as far as privileges.
It would be nice if JAMF could put together an official guide on the privilege settings. Right now its far too easy to set things up wrong. If too restrictive, the account doesn't have access to what it needs, which isn't terrible and can be fixed, but on the flip side, you could accidentally give privileges to an account you had not wanted to, and that's bad.

Honored Contributor

Bumping this one as well as the FR post.