Reimage and ReInstall Policies?

Contributor III


I have a question on how to deal with reimaging our Macs. I have found that if I reimage a computer, policies assigned to that computer are not being rerun. I am assuming that is because the policy is defined with a frequency of "Once per computer". Are we supposed to be deleting the computer from JAMF prior to reimaging the computer?



New Contributor II

So here's what you want to do:

Login to your JSS > Inventory > find the computer you are reimaging, click Logs on the right hand side > scroll to the bottom, and click "Flush Policy History for this Computer". I'd probably do this while or after the image is being pushed, not before.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

You can also do this as part of the imaging process in a post image script. Just put a line like this into your post image script:

/usr/sbin/jamf flushPolicyHistory -verbose

New Contributor II

That would be a better idea. Good to know, Steve.

Valued Contributor II

You should also look at how you're using autorun. If you're policies have autorun activated then they should re-install at any point you re-image. Careful though, autorun can be a double edged sword if you forget something in there!

Contributor III

Thanks for the responses. I made a script with the 'flushPolicyHistory' command and added it to my image, configured to run at reboot. I see in the imaging log that it added a line to run this script to the First Run Post Install script, and it copied the script. However, I don't see any results of this script actually running at that first boot? Where could I look to see if the script was really copied and ran?

Additionally, the Configuration Profile I have defined for our WiFi key doesn't seem to get applied. When I look at the inventory "Details" of the computer and the "Management History" I see the date when it was originally applied in the "Completed Command" section. However, the current on from re-imaging is listed in the "Pending Commad" section, and it never seems to get applied.


Contributor II

Did you ever get sorted out the issue of config profiles not redeploying after reimaging? I'm just starting into config profiles and am not even seeing the JSS attempt to send them to a computer that has been reimaged and re-enrolled. It only shows the previous install date, not any new pending attempt.

I started a new discussion here

Contributor III

So far, all we have managed to get as a working process is to delete the MDM Enrollment profile from any reimaged Mac and then re-enroll. That seems to be the only reliable way for us to get reimaged Macs back into the system completely.

Contributor II

OK, thanks for that. I've discovered that my issue is bigger, as the client I've been testing on isn't always enrolling with Casper's MDM server correctly. The one time I did see my profiles deploy properly, I noticed that the client had run my MDM Re-Enroll policy, which is meant to automatically fix clients that haven't enrolled properly. I borrowed the idea from

More testing tomorrow. It's time to go home :)

Contributor II

OK, looks like it was a false alarm. Not sure what happened yesterday, but three tested clients have enrolled just fine this morning and the config profiles are re-deploying to imaged computers. Thanks!