Posted on
08:29 AM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
Hi everyone!
For those who attended Jamf’s “Reinstall a Clean macOS with One Button” webinar this week, we’ll have the recording posted hopefully sometime next week. In the meantime, here’s the link to the resources discussed.
Posted on 12-10-2019 01:45 PM
I copy the OS installer and startosinstall script to machines then run the script. I have seen that sometimes (almost every time) the OS installer gets "made by untrusted vendor" message are you sure you want to open? When this happened my script quits and the OS fails to start the install. I just manually run the installer in the GUI quit it and then run the script... Is it possible that you are seeing the same issue but not the same symptoms? What happens when you run the installer in the GUI after the failure?
Posted on 12-10-2019 01:49 PM
I’ve been using this for a few years now, highly recommended:
Posted on 12-10-2019 01:56 PM
No getting any "made by untrusted...." No errors in policy logs. The Mojave installer is fresh on this machine. Just ran the same policy on identical machine a short time ago. It makes zero sense. @davidhiggs Not upgrading, wiping and installing.
Posted on 12-10-2019 02:05 PM
Running the command right in terminal has the same results. Nothing. No errors. No dialog box messages.
Posted on 12-10-2019 02:12 PM
I know it is a dumb question, but you are sure the macOS installer is cached in Applications?
Posted on 12-10-2019 02:15 PM
@talkingmoose Any input? I am stumped.
Posted on 12-10-2019 02:18 PM
Posted on 12-10-2019 02:23 PM
Dec 10 15:21:03 xxxx osinstallersetupd[2331]: objc[2331]: Class BOSError is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BridgeOSInstall.framework/Versions/A/BridgeOSInstall (0x7fffaafb0170) and /Applications/Install macOS (0x103ba62c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Posted on 12-11-2019 11:03 AM
running into a couple of "issues" when running the upgrade.
once initiated via Self Service, the computer restarts as expected, does a couple of restarts then hangs on a black screen for awhile. once i hit the spacebar (or any key), the machine wakes up and continues the process.
the second one is that in the middle of an upgrade, it will take me to the login screen to enter my password. i enter the password and the machine goes back to the update screen (about x minutes remaining... )
anyone else experiencing this? obviously we would ideally want the user to kick off the upgrade and not have to monitor to enter credentials and enter their password if it's going to keep upgrading after.
Posted on 12-11-2019 11:24 AM
@raphhyyy , what you are describing seems to be expected behaviour based on the method JAMF is using to perform the upgrade. I have yet to see any upgrade scenario outside of the official Apple method that allows the upgrade to fully complete unattended.
Posted on 12-11-2019 02:45 PM
I finally was able to get it working again. I will have to see how pushing it out instead of Self Service goes. I downloaded a fresh Mojave installer, used Composer to create the package, created or updated my current Policy that installs the installer to Applications, and then adjusted my command in Self Service Policy to:
"/Applications/Install macOS" --nointeraction --eraseinstall --newvolumename "Macintosh HD" --agreetolicense
Posted on 12-16-2019 07:58 PM
@mhegge, finally getting caught up with posts. Glad you got something working for you.
I noted a couple of things from your earlier posts:
Each version of startosinstall (Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, etc.) has a lot in common but also some things not in common. Some options like --forcequitapps
aren't available in every installer app. You'll need to run startosinstall --usage
for the supported list of options for that app version.
The softwareupdate
command with the options --fetch-full-installer
and --full-installer-version
are only available to macOS Catalina. You can't use those options with Mojave or earlier. However, you can run them on Catalina to download earlier versions of installers like Mojave and High Sierra.
And I wouldn't be surprised some folks are using community-created scripts to download installer apps from Apple. If so, I've found there's usually no need to run sudo
to run those scripts. That runs them as root, which isn't necessary because the script isn't modifying a location that requires elevated privileges. The app installer also seems to need permissions changes too if run with sudo
Hope this helps folks going forward.
Posted on 01-02-2020 02:40 PM
FYI, if you set your 8GB OS to cache ONGOING you are going to have serious problems with your network. Change that to once per machine or use a caching server. Our whole network went down, we later found out that it was the OS caching "Ongoing". Something like this could get your fired.
Posted on 01-02-2020 07:55 PM
@jsuarez, in the setup I outlined "Ongoing" doesn't mean "download over and over". It means "ongoing for those Macs in scope". If you're deploying the installer and immediately taking inventory, then those Macs should fall out of scope for the policy and cease downloading the installer.
The advantage of "Ongoing" is that Jamf Pro will be able to redeploy the installer app should someone remove it from the computer.
Posted on 01-03-2020 06:02 AM
Yea, Ongoing is only an issue if you are scoping it to all of your machines instead of a smart group of computers that don't have the installer cached.
Posted on 01-28-2020 04:21 PM
@talkingmoose hope this is easy... Fairly new to Jamf but would really love having this functionality. I copied the instructions and macOS Catalina is caching the installer properly on the macs but when I press the one touch button in self service it displays the following in the log:
Posted on 01-29-2020 07:05 PM
@rhowell, your command on line 5 looks perfectly correct. The result you're receiving indicates you are actually calling the command but it thinks at least one of your arguments is wrong.
They look fine to me. Usually when I see this, one of the sets of double-dashes isn't really double-dashes but instead similar looking characters (e.g. non-breaking dashes or short hyphens). This happens oftentimes when copying pasting the entire command from a webpage. Try retyping each set of dashes. Make sure there are no spaces between the dashes and the following word.
Posted on 01-30-2020 07:14 AM
@talkingmoose That seems to have taken care of it perfectly! Thanks for the reply
Posted on 01-30-2020 07:39 AM
Thanks @talkingmoose ! Retyping the dashes worked perfectly!
Posted on 02-11-2020 08:45 AM
Hello all. Been using JAMF for about 2 years, but new to the forum. I have had this working well for a number of months; however, recently the command '/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --download --fetch-full-installer' is not not only downloading the Catalina installer but also running it. I have tested this in terminal as root and see the same results. Anyone else have this happen or have any input on how to prevent the installer from starting?
Posted on 02-15-2020 08:46 AM
@highlandtel, with the --fetch-full-installer
option, you don't need to include --download
. I suspect if you remove that the installer will stop launching.
Posted on 02-19-2020 10:35 AM
Any suggestions for handling this complication as reported in the policy log?
Result of command: Error: Erase installs are supported only on APFS disks. By using the agreetolicense option, you are agreeing that you have run this tool with the license only option and have read and agreed to the terms. If you do not agree, press CTRL-C and cancel this process immediately.
Our systems are currently running 10.13.6 (HFS+) and I'm wanting to do a clean install of 10.15.x
Posted on 02-28-2020 07:04 AM
Hey talkingmoose, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, dropping the --download flag has no affect on the launching of the installer.
Posted on 03-03-2020 01:01 PM
if you take a look at these 2 smart group criteria for 'mac catalina compatible' you will see that there is a slight difference. I've added both links, i'm not sure which one is the correct one to use
one has MacBookPro(9|1[0-5]
while the other has
Posted on 03-04-2020 07:10 AM
is there a line I can add to my script, that when the user clicks on this option in the self-service portal, it prompts them to enter a password? which we would then configure to be the password of the supervisor account.
Posted on 03-04-2020 07:44 PM
@tcandela, I compared the regex strings from the blog and the GitHub page, but they appear identical to me. The correct one should be MacBookPro(9|1[0-6]
, which I updated back in November when the MacBook Pro 16-inch was released.
Can you verify for me and let me know if you still see the discrepancy?
Posted on 03-04-2020 07:51 PM
@J_JohnstonAT, not sure what you mean by "supervisor account". Do you mean an admin account on the Mac?
The purpose of Self Service is to execute policies with admin privileges, potentially allowing non-admins to perform admin tasks. In Jamf Pro, you can set Self Service to either require a user log in or allow a user to log in. Then, if you scope the policy to specific users, only they can run the policy.
Posted on 03-05-2020 04:01 AM
@talkingmoose its still a discrepancy in Github.
This section is correct ' Regular Expression (regex) to identify Catalina-compatible hardware'
But if you scroll down to the 'macOS Catalina Compatible Macs criteria' you have to update it there.
Posted on 03-11-2020 03:15 PM
Posted on 03-17-2020 10:44 PM
@davidhiggs I like really the code you shared in this post inform the end-user. I am new to JAMF Pro and do not understand, how and where to implement the code. I think it must be configured in the same policy for the Self-Service, but I've no idea where exactly.
Posted on 03-17-2020 11:56 PM
@IT_desktopServices it is probably too big for adding to the execute command option in the policy. Make a new script with the code below, add it the policy and set it to run After whatever you are using to get the Catalina installer to the machine.
userConfirmation=$(osascript <<END
display dialog "Confirm that you want to reset your Mac and lose all data by typing ERASE" with title "Erase Mac and Install macOS" default answer "" buttons {"Exit","Continue"} default button 1
if button returned of the result = "Continue" then return text returned of the result
if [[ $userConfirmation == ERASE ]]
echo user confirmed intent to reset Mac and erase all data by typing ERASE
echo user cancelled Mac reset
osascript -e 'display dialog "Cancelled." with title "Erase Mac and Install macOS" buttons {"OK"} default button 1'
exit 0
'/Applications/Install macOS' --eraseinstall --agreetolicense --forcequitapps --newvolumename 'Macintosh HD'
Posted on 03-18-2020 06:41 AM
Thank you, I will try it.
Posted on 03-18-2020 08:02 AM
@davidhiggs THX a lot. It works like en charm -> works perfectly
Posted on 03-25-2020 01:41 PM
How is Jamf able to connect back to the system after a clean install?
Posted on 03-25-2020 05:10 PM
@mjmclaren, if your devices are enrolled in Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager, then you can take advantage of automated device enrollment to get them back into Jamf Pro.
Posted on 03-26-2020 08:33 AM
I have a test machine that we performed a Recovery on, so it went straight to 10.15.4 yesterday; now running this pulls down a version of Mojave!
Not sure if it's just this machine that's gone a bit strange, so trying to test on another to see if it's the version of the OS or Apple that's the problem.
Seems to be the update; ran the --fetch-full-installer on a 10.15.3 machine and it's still pulling down Catalina as it should.
Posted on 03-26-2020 03:11 PM
@highlandtel Did you ever get the auto-launch issue resolved? I'm seeing this on my machines (even the Mojave abberation above)
Posted on 04-01-2020 07:55 AM
No. I have not resolved the issue @morsepacific
Posted on 04-15-2020 08:02 PM
Hi all,
I followed the instructions as best I can. I have the Install macOS Catalina.pkg (this is version 10.15.3) available in Self Service. I am also using the provided command line
'/Applications/Install macOS' ‑‑eraseinstall
--agreetolicense --forcequitapps ‑‑newvolumename 'Macintosh HD'
But when executing this, I get a pop-up asking for admin rights before proceeding.
"osinstallersetupd wants to make changes"
We do not provide admin rights to any of our staff. So with this pop-up, people can't actually proceed with the erase>install.
Is there anyway to perform this within a person typing in admin credentials?
Edit: Nevermind. The '--' symbols where incorrect and that caused the command line to fail. Typing the command in instead of copy>paste worked.
Posted on 04-30-2020 06:06 AM
Can you confirm with the following commands if it is possible to inplace upgrade for all incremental updates of the OS from 10.14.1, 10.14.2 through to 10.14.6?
sudo /usr/sbin/softwareupdate
--full-installer-version 10.14.6