Reminder Popup Banner options

Contributor III

Hey all,
I have been looking for a method that can harness JAMF Pro to display a popup window of sorts.

We have some students who are graduating, they need reminders of this pending day on items like: Laptop pre-inspections, laptop collections, marching practice, ect.

Login or WiFI state change will not work for us, we need to push it out for about two weeks every other day about the same time. Now the fun begins... we have three different schools with three different sets of dates. I do have smart groups created for those seniors, and in their perspective buildings.... but I iwlll need to push this out in three separate policies.

So long story longer, is there an easy method to do this push in a timely manner? And how do I go about creating this policy?

Thanks all,


New Contributor

You can use the "User Interaction" tab of a policy to provide a message for when the policy runs, its a temporary notification in the top corner, so it could be easily missed. I'd suggest pushing out CocoaDialog if you want to push out a message with user interaction. You'll have to write up a short script and attach that payload, but it's easy to customize for various messages and provides a lot of options in terms of user interaction.

As far as the frequency deployment, if you use the Client-Side Limitation settings to set a narrow window for the policy to run. Using the reoccurring check-in and Once Everyday triggers should fire it off fairly consistent within that time window set via the Client Limitations.

Legendary Contributor III

In addition to cocoaDialog mentioned above, I would also consider looking over the built in jamfHelper tool that gets installed with the Jamf framework on enrollment. Although it's not as flexible and in some cases not as nice looking as cocoaDialog, it has the advantage of being kind of "built in" on managed Macs, so there's no extra utility to deploy out to start using it.
To get a feel for what options it provides, run this in Terminal to get the help/usage output

/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ -help

Last tool I will mention, especially if you would like to use Notification Center for more persistent messages that won't disappear in a few seconds, is to look at Yo. Yo can generate Notification Center messages that remain on screen until someone clicks a button. Think of Apple's messages that come up to tell you about updates to install or a new OS to update to, and you'll get the idea.
The one thing about Yo is it's slightly tougher to make it work in a standard Jamf policy that gets called as root, meaning from the recurring check-in trigger. There are some tricks you may need to use to get it to work, but it's a cool tool that I would encourage you to look at when you can.

If you have specific questions on how to use any of the tools mentioned, post back and someone will be able to help craft the right kind of script.

Contributor III

As I have said before I am the farthest thing from a scripter. I can look at both of these, but working with them is going to be a bit of a challenge. Thanks guys