Posted on 06-08-2012 09:00 AM
Hi all,
Is there a way to remove the index of a .dmg that has already been indexed in Casper Admin?
Thank in advance!
great weekend!
Posted on 06-08-2012 12:20 PM
If I'm not mistaken the Index is stored in the MySQL db of your JSS, not in the DMG itself. At least in cases where I've overwritten a DMG in Casper Admin with a new version, it doesn't then show up as not indexed. The button changes to "Re-Index"
Why do you need to remove the Index on a package?
Posted on 06-12-2012 05:03 AM
Cause I try to uninstall the indexed .dmg.
I watch it blow most of it away but some empty directories or directories with dead sym/alias seem to stick around.
As well as it doesn't delete anything from FEU nor the FUT even though I tell it to do so.
I've tried via jss policy, via Remote and ran the jamf uninstall right from the command line.
So I'm guessing here is the Index is bad? I can view the index from within the JSS and was about to create my own uninstaller but then again, why should I be doing this.
I'm running jss 8.4 / 10.6.8 Server.
Thanks in advance.
Posted on 06-12-2012 06:42 AM
Ah, I see. Well, in that case, it sounds like the application may have had an update applied to it, or some items were added later. The way the uninstall feature works is it basically does a reverse install by using the index. So, if any items get modified or added to an application directory afterwards, the uninstall may end up leave those behind since they weren't part of the install index.
I've seen this happen when trying to uninstall Microsoft Office. If an Office update was installed after the original deployment, you can be left with a near empty Office directory in /Applications, with only a few items that were changed or added by the updater. You could try adding the updater into the uninstall process to see if it helps remove those last remaining items.
Also what I would do is check the index list on the package and compare it to the actual items in the application folder on disk. See if there are some additional items not included in the index. Also see if any updates were installed to that application.
As for the FEU and FUT options, I've never actually tried targeting those in an uninstall. I'm not sure if that actually works or not.