Posted on 12-11-2024 01:05 PM
Hey all,
Im using the JAMF Pro in house dock settings to remove apps though have hit a dead end with three Apple System Apps: Facetime, Apple TV and Apple Store
Im just wondering what is the best method for removing these last 3 from the dock. I have tried getting assistance from the JAMF Helpdesk and even with their assistance we were unsuccessful in finding the correct path to remove these with the in house option.
If anyone could walk me through another method I would be very grateful.
Posted on 12-11-2024 02:05 PM
@Paulie555 If you're talking about the Mac Dock creating Dock item for those and having a Policy with a Dock Items payload set to remove those works for me. Here's the Paths I use for this Dock items:
Posted on 12-11-2024 03:35 PM
@sdagley This isn't working for me (same path as yours)
Have tried this on multiple macs
Posted on 12-12-2024 05:20 AM
@Paulie555 Any chance your policy isn't running when a user is logged in? I haven't tested to be sure but I believe the Dock payload is only applied to the logged in user.
Posted on 12-12-2024 04:28 PM
@sdagley User is logged in when the policy runs so not sure why my results vary from others
Posted on 12-11-2024 09:46 PM
This applications are in the System Folder, try with the below path
Posted on 12-12-2024 04:27 PM
@Shyamsundar have tried this path with no success either
Posted on 12-12-2024 03:11 AM
may dockutil helps?
dockutilbin=$(/usr/bin/which dockutil)
#Get current User
currentuser=$(scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }')
echo $currentuser
#Write Dock Items in the Dock plist
#Set Dock Items
$dockutilbin --remove all --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist; sleep 2
$dockutilbin --add /System/Applications/ --position 1 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /System/Cryptexes/App/System/Applications/ --position 3 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/Google\ --position 4 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/Microsoft\ --position 5 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/Microsoft\ --position 6 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/Microsoft\ --position 7 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/Microsoft\ --position 8 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/Microsoft\ --position 9 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/ --position 10 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /Applications/Cisco/Cisco\ Secure\ --position 11 --no-restart $loggedInUserPlist
$dockutilbin --add /System/Applications/System\ --position 12 $loggedInUserPlist
We are using this script with dockuitl
Posted on 12-12-2024 04:21 PM
@BookMac does Dockutil work on newer machines/ latest OS?
Obviously don't want to end up with outdated systems
Posted on 12-12-2024 10:50 PM
yes. works on sequoia with M4
Posted on 12-12-2024 03:32 AM
Posted on 12-12-2024 01:03 PM
We've also used dockutil and it has worked for us. However, ever since upgrading some of our computers to Sonoma a year ago, dockutil hasn't really been working. I haven't spent much time looking into it since it's been a low priority for us, but I am curious as to whether anyone who uses dockutil has noticed any issues on computers running Sonoma or Sequoia
Posted on 02-12-2025 08:49 AM
I know the original poster already resolved their issue, but I just wanted to mention that dockutil seems to be working just fine now on computers running Sequoia (and I haven't made any changes or did a testing since the last time I made my post here). As long as it works, I'm not complaining!
Posted on 12-17-2024 02:19 PM
Hey all,
Managed to work out the issue with the in house Dock policy
Path names were correct, however the display names for each app were not exact
Thanks all for the help and advice