Posted on
11:23 PM
- last edited
Stellar Volume Repair is a software that deals with HFS directory corruption. In other words it resolves corruption of Macintosh HD, hfs formatted external drives. It repairs cryptic errors like Invalid B tree node, Invalid Count, Invalid index key, Invalid sibling link. To repair Macintosh HD, it is required to make a boot DVD with the software itself. The DVD loads into bootable environment with disk repair software mounted on it. The user now can repair/replace corrupt directory structure with Stellar Volume Repair. This software costs $49 which is less than its close competitor.
Posted on 09-12-2014 09:59 AM
Would you recommend this software? We have had random disk corruption errors in spurts this year... Would be nice to be able to repair the disk.
Posted on 09-12-2014 11:38 AM
Posted on 09-12-2014 11:41 AM
Am I the only one bothered by this post that seems to be a sales pitch? I don't have any problem with an end-user discussing a product or linking to it, or even adding it to the "3rd Party Products" part of JAMF Nation, but this comes across as a blatant advertisement for a Stellar product. And if you look at @donaldkepler's posts here, you'll see that ever single one of them is a similar note about a Stellar product. He appears to be contributing nothing else to the boards, and not even a discussion of the Stellar Products that's anything beyond a PR boilerplate.
Or maybe I'm just being too sensitive?
Posted on 09-12-2014 11:45 AM
Posted on 09-12-2014 11:46 AM
Yep, @donaldkepler][/url is another SPAMmer, check his profile, he just SPAMmed the Third Party section...
[UPDATE: I removed the link, looks like the SPAM was removed from the Third-Party Products page. Thanks JAMF!]
Posted on 09-12-2014 12:00 PM
Yep, SPAM. I've said it before and its worth saying on every one of these threads, but I really hope someone at JAMF is paying attention and planning on some kind of spam/abuse reporting system to be implemented. I understand that any type of reporting system needs to be developed with care, so as to avoid being abused, so I'm not asking for anything drastic like flagging something and it immediately being labeled or removed, but rather that someone at JAMF get around to looking into it. Spam like this requires human beings on the other end evaluating it, because the language is subtle and wouldn't get picked up with any software algorithms. But we can read between the lines and see clearly this is a marketing effort and nothing more.
Anyway, we need something here. I value these boards very much as do many of us, and would hate to see it devolve into a bunch of spammers taking over.
Posted on 09-14-2014 08:25 AM
Looks like my feature request for handling spammers is Under Review:
I'm sure additional votes to let JAMF know its customers want this wouldn't hurt.