Replacing 2000 devices in a district. Any advice for switchover on Jamf-side?

New Contributor III

We are thinking about switching out 2000 devices over winter break. I was wondering if anyone here has done an entire device swap and had some insight on troubles they found while doing so. We scope by building so I am hoping that we can get a csv from apple to control the serial numbers and I can Mut it to set up both serial numbers to buildings and serial numbers to users. I figure my main worry will be specific students getting specific serial numbers and staying organized as all f. But I am sure there is a million other things that I am forgetting that will be stressful. Does anybody have any light to shed on me before telling the bosses yes or no? Other option is to do during the summer but our iPads are starting to see old age problems (4 year old minis)


Contributor III

What I do is build a CSV with serial number, device name, wireless mac address, and department. I have all my policies scope to department, I.E. HS student, HS teacher, ES Student, ES Teacher. I use a script to read through the csv and use the api post to create the new records in the JSS. In your CSV you can also put building, site, whatever you want as long as you modify the script for it. This way devices already have policies scoped for when they're enrolled. This is for mac devices though and not ios devices but it can be done similarly. Do you use DEP?