Reporting ARD status

Not applicable

I see in the Resource Kit an excellent tool/script for enabling ARD on
a machine. What I'm looking for is a way to determine whether a user
has disabled ARD.

I see "Remote Login" as an option in the Extensions Attributes
templates, but my understanding has always been that "Remote Login"
refers to SSH, while "Remote Management" refers to ARD.

Does anyone have an Extension Attribute for gathering the ARD status
of machines?

I could, of course, create an "always-on" policy that constantly sets
ARD status on every machine during policy check-in using the script, but this is overkill and would strain the server
constantly. I just need to know who has ARD turned off.

Any ideas?


Damien Barrett
System Technician
Montclair Kimberley Academy


Contributor II

Gonna bump this up, has anyone seen a way to gain a computer's ARD status? I'd love to be able to put that through an EA and then make the correct adjustments to those computers.

Contributor II

Here's what I use:

Extension Attribute to Determine current ARD Status:

mvar=$(ps ax | grep -c -i "[Aa]rdagent")
if [ $mvar -eq 1 ]; then
echo "<result>Running</result>"
echo "<result>Not Running</result>"

Extension Attribute for currently defined Admins for ARD:


# Determines if the Remote Management settings are set
# for "All Users" or for "Only these users:" in System
# Preferences' Sharing preference pane

ARD_ALL_LOCAL=`/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/ ARD_AllLocalUsers`

# Lists all local user accounts on the Mac with a UID 
# of greater or equal to 500 and less than 1024. This 
# should exclude all system accounts and network accounts
# List is displayed if the "All Users" setting is 
# set in the Remote Management settings.

ALL_ID500_PLUS_LOCAL_USERS=`/usr/bin/dscl . list /Users UniqueID | awk '$2 >= 500 && $2 < 1024 { print $1; }'`

# Lists all user accounts on the Mac that have been given
# explicit Remote Management rights. List is displayed if 
# the "Only these users:" setting is set in the Remote 
# Management settings.

REMOTE_MANAGEMENT_ENABLED_USERS=`/usr/bin/dscl . list /Users naprivs | awk '{print $1}'`

if [ "$ARD_ALL_LOCAL" = "1" ]; then
elif [ "$ARD_ALL_LOCAL" = "0" ]; then

# Displays list of accounts that have 
# been given Remote Management rights

echo "<result>$result</result>"

I then have a policy that if either ARD is not running, or the admins are incorrect, I fix it. Runs once a day.

Contributor III

@pickerin - thanks for sharing! I copied those into my system too - good information to have!

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Oops wrong post.


Thanks for this I setup the I got the ARD extension attribute working but its not always reporting correct information.

I have some computers with ARD off even tho it extension attribute is reporting it on. Is their any way for force the extension attribute to update?