Resetting Sharing Preferences on Big Sur 11.4

New Contributor II


We're running on Jamf Pro. In order for us to Screen Share/Remotely control our Apple computers, we set the Sharing Options to the following: □ Sharing Options > Remote Login Checked
□ Sharing Options > Remote Login > “Allow access for” is set to “All Users”
□ Sharing Options > Remote Login > Check “Allow full disk access for remote users”

But, when we close out of System Preferences, they revert back to the way the computer came:
□ Sharing Options > Remote Login Checked
□ Sharing Options > Remote Login > “Allow access for” is set to “Administrators”
□ Sharing Options > Remote Login > Check “Allow full disk access for remote users”

Despite going back in and setting them to the way we'd like it to be, it always reverts back.

Due to the way our environment is, we do not have users as administrators, so when they attempt to remote into their own computers, they are unable to as they are not Administrators.

We do not have a policy set for this, so I wanted to see if anyone else ran into this issue.