08-11-2022 03:28 PM - edited 09-05-2022 03:34 PM
Howdy... I’ve detected an issue where the Jamf binary stops checking in, this can be for hours, days, weeks or even months. This is evident when Macs have run their Inventory Update for "x days". It would appear that the Jamf binary begins its check-in process but never completes, this stops any further check-in attempts as the process is still running and wont attempt to check-in until the original process has completed. If you attempt to manually check-in you will get a similar error to:
This policy trigger is already being run: root 88591 0.0 0.0 34245156 1048 ?? Ss 21Jul22 0:03.85 /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf policy -stopConsoleLogs -randomDelaySeconds 300
I suspect this issue is caused by a network interuption when a policy is running or a script within a policy that cannot complete (the softwareupdated process has been hanging on some versions of macOS Big Sur). There does not appear to be a time-out for the Jamf binary.
CasperCheck or the new Jamf-Management-Framework-Redeploy API function do not resolve ths issue. Killing the Jamf binary resolves the issue and the Mac can check-in with the jamf server again. Since getting access to a Mac that isn't checking-in is can be somewhat difficult, I have made something I am calling "Jamf Restart" which lifts ideas and code from CasperCheck and AppProcessKiller.
Jamf Restart consists of:
The LaunchDaemon and Script can be packaged and deployed via Jamf (a lot easier to do when all Macs are checking-in). You can launch the LaunchDaemon with the command
/bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.jamfRestart.plist
Once Jamf Restart has been deployed to a Mac, it will check if the process for the Jamf binary has been running for more than 1 day, if the Jamf binary has been running for more than a day, it will kill the process. After the Jamf binary has been killed, the next scheduled check-in will run correctly. Any policy run from Jamf can reasonably be expected to complete within 1 day, so killing the process when in it has been running for so long will not stop any policy with any chance of success from completing.
Jamf Restart will not fix the "Device Signature Error” which stops the Jamf binary from running, I have been testing the Jamf-Management-Framework-Redeploy API function for that.
Jamf Restart should ensure Macs keep checking into Jamf, and will allow you to identify which Macs have had issues checking in, so they can be investigated further.
The LaunchDaemon:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
The Script:
processRuntime=$(ps -ax -o user,pid,etime,args | grep "/usr/local/[j]amf/bin/jamf policy -stopConsoleLogs -randomDelaySeconds 300" | awk '{ print $3; }' | grep -o '.*[-]' | awk -F\- '{print $1}')
processCheck=$(ps -ax -o user,pid,etime,args | grep "/usr/local/[j]amf/bin/jamf policy -stopConsoleLogs -randomDelaySeconds 300" | awk '{ print $2; }')
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`
echo "$DATE" " $1" >> $LOG
if [ "${processRuntime}" = "" ]; then
scriptLogging "JamfBinary has not run for more than 1 day"
scriptLogging "JamfBinary has run for ${processRuntime} days"
scriptLogging "JamfBinary Process ID: ${processCheck}"
scriptLogging "Quitting JamfBinary..."
sudo kill -9 ${processCheck}
exit 0
The Extension Attribute:
jamfRestart=`/usr/bin/tail -10 /var/log/jamfRestart.log | grep "JamfBinary has run for"`
if [ "$jamfRestart" != "" ]; then
echo "<result>$jamfRestart</result>"
echo "<result>No Restarts</result>"
Hopefully this is of use to someone.
Posted on
12:08 PM
- last edited on
07:59 PM
For the "Load failed: 5: Input/output error" I found out the issue.
There's a typo on the LauncDaemon where:
needs to be:
The "r" is lowercase and needs to be the uppercase "R".
Posted on 06-17-2024 10:02 AM
Change that final line to:
Posted on 12-12-2023 12:58 AM
dont know if I fixed the issue, but I dont have any errors any more. Can someone tell me if this is a good result of policy?
Executing Policy Jamf Binary Restart
Running script Jamf binary Restart...
Script exit code: 0
Script result:
Posted on 12-20-2023 02:23 AM
@jamesandre Could you please help validate the latest process? As I understand there is issue with new MacOS to execute sudo /bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.jamfRestart.plist
Did you try on Sonama and Ventura OS?
Posted on 01-23-2024 03:22 PM
Yes, this is working on Sonoma, you can check the jamfRestart.log in Console. You will get the Load failed: 5: Input/output error if the Launch Daemon has already been loaded.
Posted on 06-17-2024 10:09 AM
For anyone still looking to deploy this, I took what @MCfreiz put together and added some variables to make it a bit more adaptable. There are also some additional operations to do prep and post work. Other changes were made to bring the code up to compliance with current changes to MacOS.
# Written by KClose
# Based on original scripts by "JamesAndre" and "MCfreiz"
# This script simply writes out the required script and launchdaemon
# Check for Script Directory.
if [[ ! -d "$scriptDir" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$scriptDir"
# Cleanup old files for recreation.
if [[ -e "$scriptFile" ]]; then
rm -f $scriptFile
if [[ -e "$daemonFile" ]]; then
launchctl bootout system $daemonFile
rm -f $daemonFile
# Write out the jamfRestart script.
cat << 'EOF' > $scriptFile
processRuntime=$(ps -ax -o user,pid,etime,args | grep "/usr/local/[j]amf/bin/jamf policy" | awk '{ print $3; }' | grep -o '.*[-]' | awk -F\- '{print $1}')
processCheck=$(ps -ax -o user,pid,etime,args | grep "/usr/local/[j]amf/bin/jamf policy" | awk '{ print $2; }')
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`
echo "$DATE" " $1" >> $LOG
if [ "${processRuntime}" = "" ]; then
scriptLogging "JamfBinary has not run for more than 1 day"
scriptLogging "JamfBinary has run for ${processRuntime} days"
scriptLogging "JamfBinary Process ID: ${processCheck}"
scriptLogging "Quitting JamfBinary..."
sudo kill -9 ${processCheck}
exit 0
# Set owenership and permissions on jamfRestart script.
chmod 644 $scriptFile
chown root:wheel $scriptFile
# Write out LaunchDaemon.
cat << EOF > $daemonFile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>$(basename $daemonFile | sed 's/.plist//')</string>
# Set ownership and permissions on LaunchDaemon.
chmod 644 $daemonFile
chown root:wheel $daemonFile
# Load LaunchDaemon
launchctl bootstrap system "$daemonFile"
Posted on 07-02-2024 08:53 AM
@kacey3 what are the macOS Version requirements? Thank you!
Posted on 07-08-2024 08:34 AM
The main thing I added was "launchctl bootout system" to unload any previously existing Launch Daemons of the same name. This particular command line was first introduced in MacOS 10.11. Ideally, this script should be compatible with all current versions of MacOS (10.11 and beyond).
Another simple change I made was I made the grep command a bit more "flexible" as it seems like there are a couple of different outputs when jamf policy gets stuck. I also have the script check for existing scripts and launch daemons created by previous policies and delete them rather than overwriting them.
Lastly, I moved some of the script variables to the top, allowing admins to more easily customize the name and location of the script as well as the name of the Launch Daemon.
a week ago
Thanks for this post.
I've packaged the Launch Daemon and the script.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Laund Daemons are triggered after a startup of the machine, right? So at that point it runs the script to check, right? But in that case the framework isn't up for more than one day.
You say :
"You can launch the LaunchDaemon with the command: /bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.jamfRestart.plist
Do I need to set that command in a policy? But what if clients do not connect anymore than they won't run a policy, right? Or is there something else to trigger the scipt? Sorry, maybe I am not on the right track with my thoughts :-)
Use the updated script by kacey3 it looks like it will load itself when it gets deployed.
If you deploy that script in a policy also tick on the "Network State Change" trigger as that runs as a seperate process and should install it on a "stuck" Mac.
@Musicmaker The LaunchDaemon has a StartInterval value of 86400 seconds, which is one day. So once the daemon is loaded, it stays "loaded" but will only run the job in the LaunchDaemon once per day. So it's not something that would only run after a restart. No need to worry about that.