Restrict users from logging into iCloud but permit logging into email accounts on iOS and iPad OS

Valued Contributor II

We need to deny users the ability to login to their iCloud account on iPhones and iPads. I created a configuration profile for this that grays out the area where a user would tap to log into their Apple ID. Unfortunately it also keeps them from going into Settings - Mail and adding an email account like Microsoft 365, Google, etc. It also keeps them from adding an account to Outlook on their iPhone or iPad. This is something I didn't expect. Does anyone know how to keep users from logging into their Apple ID but allow them to login to their email account and set it up in either the built-in apps or Outlook? I've attached a screenshot of the payload used in my profile. This is the only setting I have found that prevents users from logging into iCloud.

Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 11.44.07 AM.png