Restricted software notifies once only!

Contributor II

Hey all,

It seems that if I take an app, uTorrent for example, and restrict it with only a Message, the pop up box displays the message once and only once. Any subsequent launches of said restricted app no longer display the pop up message unless the machine is rebooted.

However, if I tick Kill Process, then the messages keep popping up all the time, while killing the process. Reversing it, if I un-tick the Kill Process. Again, the message to the user is displayed once and only once.

The message box:

My JSS is ver 9.24 on Ubuntu 12.04

This was my original post:

Anyone else having/seeing this?

Should I open a support ticket with JAMF?

Thanks as always,


Contributor III

I haven't seen it, but it sounds like something worth filing a ticket about.

Seems curious why you would not go ahead and kill the process, though - if your company is restricting the software's usage, what's to stop them from dismissing the message & going ahead anyway?

Contributor II

Totally, I agree. I would just Kill the process, but I was told by HQ to "make it very annoying for the users" .. now, that is open to interpretation.

With JSS 8.62, I had the same Restriction and what would happen is the Message Box being displayed over and over and over. Actually, it would just spawn new Message Boxes on top of each other. One guy had hundreds of Message Boxes he needed to OK away. Thus very annoying ;)

Of course I thought JSS 9 would do the same, but seeing that it hasn't (for me) thus me posting and wondering if this is indeed something new in JSS 9 and everyone was enjoying it or is it localised to me.

Now I will open up a support ticket with JAMF.

Thanks for your post Chris!


Contributor III

Just my opinion, but killing the process is pretty annoying for the user. ;-)