Rosetta 2 Uninstalling during upgrades

Contributor III

Anybody else seeing Rossetta uninstalling itself after MacOS updates? This started around 11.3.1

Our users do not have admin rights, and we have some network content filter in place that still use Rossetta. During the upadtes to 11.3.1, 11.4, 11.5.1 etc some machines loose rosetta and can no longer access the web, as the filters can not start up. You can go into safemode and reinstall rosetta via terminal, but this is far from ideal.

i was wondering if others were seeing the same issues, and if they where getting around it another way?


New Contributor III


I have a macmini M1, used as a lab host, where rosetta 2 was automatically installed at OS init.

(scoped to smart group : Architecture Type is arm64)(scoped to smart group : Architecture Type is arm64)

Many updates occurred and rosetta 2 is still present.


As solution, maybe you can do a check for existing (or not) folder or files to the translate_tool path :
And run a task to auto fix when needed.

You can also provide a self service button allowing users to run the fix by themselves.

Contributor III

Thanks @schiemsk it doesnt actually help in this issue. We have the same command running on all machines during enrollment. With the network conent filters in place it actually stops access to the web unless your in safe mode, and any apps that require rossetta to run no longer work. i think this issue will only occuring on machines which habve traffic monotoring in place, and where the users do not have admin (might be a unique situation). I was told by apple rosetta updates during the first reboot during the upgrades. If the content filters start before rosetta finishes updating the install never completes and your stuck in this situation.

New Contributor III

Sorry, I've read too quickly.

"Curious" to know what will happen in the next 11.6 update because 11.5 includes a fix to a similar scenario :

The 11.3 details go in your direction as to the beginning of this issue: there have been some changes to these aspects.

Contributor III

yeah, in 11.5 it was fixed, but broke again in 11.5.1 so will be intrestingto see what happens with 11.6

11.5.1 fixes vunerablities so we are going to have to deploy it and hope it doesnt effect alot of machines

Valued Contributor III



We are seeing the same thing with 11.6 and the failed software is blocking the network connection so we can't install Rosetta again  : ( 

Contributor III

@gachowski if you have physical access to th machine just disable the effected filter and reinstall rosetta, or do it from safemode. There is no enterprise level fix for it. We were told it would be fixed in the latests version of MacOS but i doubt it, unless they get rid of rosetta support.

Valued Contributor III

I wish that would work at scale. : )